23 NOVEMBER 1839, Page 9


:iron EXCHANGE, FRIDAT Asersarsontr.

The English Market has fully recovered the depression to which it was sub- jected at the latter end of last week. The Three-and-a-half per Cent. Stocks, of which considerable sales were then made, are both to-day ;I! per cent. above our last quotations, and Consols have improved about per cent. Exchequer Bills retnain the same ; and though 6 per cent. is the current rate of interest for money, it is easily obtainable at that rate. Bank and India Stocks are without any material variation. The books of the various Stocks, the Divi- dends upon which will become due in January next, will close as under.


Throe wr Cent. Consols Wednesday., 4th Dec. "Thursday, 16th Jan. 1840. New Threii-audm-half per Cents. Three per Cents, 1726 Tuesday, Nth Thursday, 0th„ New hive per Cents. , Friday, lOth South Sea Stock ... Friday, 6ift Wednesday, 8th Now Annuities Three per Cents. 1757 Thursday, 5th Thursday, 9th ,, Annuities, Jan. 1800 Friday, MIL Wednesday, 2211 India Stock Tuesday, 3d Thursitty, 16th „

Private transfer in all of them will be allowed on the 6th January next. There has not been any importation of the precious metals during the week ; but the large cargo brought by the Imogene has been in the course of delivery at the Bank, and the ears of the Directors have been regaled with the long Un- wonted sound of the arrival of waggons laden with treasure. The adviees re- ceived from Hamburg are of a very favourable character : an improvement of per cent, had occurred in the rate of exchange; and the discount which had been 5' per cent., had fallen to 4 per cent., at Which rate money was easily ob- tainable. From Amsterdam, however, the intelligence is of a contrary cha- racter, and credit was much shaken by the failure of the banking firm of NAGLE mul Co.

In the Foreign 'Mulct, the business has been almost entirely confined to Spaniel' Stock, which has experienced considerable fluctuations. The opening price on Momlny was 24.; but in the course of that day nearly 300,000/. Stock was sold by one broker, and the market fell to 251. to rally again to 26. The fluctuations litre since ranged between 254 and 26& ; to-day the lower quotation was reached, a. general disposition to sell having been evinced by the brokers, occasioned by the report of an insurrectionary movement in Madrid. Ott the other hand; the market has been in so ne degree supported by the rumoured defeat of CABRERA ill Arragon, and it rallied in the course of the day about a per cent. It has been very confidently- asserted that the large amount of Stoek sold on Monday last, was the property of the late Mr. Sims whose melancholy suicide created so painful a sensation in the City last week: the friends of that gentleman have, however, positively denied that he was in any

way connected with the recent large speculations in Spanish Stock. -

The Portuguese Securities have not experienced any material variation, nor has the lousiness transacted in them been of any importance. The South American Securities are also unmoved. The dilatoriness of the Commissioners appointed for the apportionment of the Columbian Debt has become time subject of much remark among the Bondholders: several applica- tions have been made to these gentlemen, by persons interosted ; but the answers returned have been so diplomatic as to render them utterly useless to the recipients for any purposes of information. We are not aware whether the Committee appointed by the Bondholders are urging, their claims for a speedy adjustment ; but if the Commissioners slumber, they will probably find that the Stockholders are wakeful.

The Northern European Stocks have continued unchanged ; as have Bra- zilian Bonds. Indeed, almost the whole business that has occurred during the week has been in Spanish Stock.

SATIMDAY, Twst.vE o'cLectc. Money is more in demand to-dav both in the commercial world and in the Stock Exchange; all descriptions ofStock are consequently heavy—Consols having been done both for Money and Account at 90a. Exchequer Bills are at Os. die. In the Foreign Market, lousiness has as usual been alm:ot en- tirely confined to Spanish Stock, upon which the intelligence from Madrid has operated unfavottlably ; the opening price was 23; the merket, however, speedily declined to 25a ; a purelmse, however, of 10,000 at 211 for 15th of December, has given it a slight &rove of firmness and the price is now 25a for the current account amid 25 20 for the middle of December. The other Foreign Funds are at yesterday's prices. SATVIIPAV, rtH,H o'Ci.o-ir. The afternoon has passed without any material change in the prices of any description of Stock, and without any business of importance. The closing prices are consequently the same as those of the morning; with the exception of Spanish Stock, which has been done at 25, and closes at 23& 26, being an improvement of' i per cent.

3 per Cent. Consols

9a4 i

Brazilian 5 per Celots

72 3 Ditto i'or .1(..mtnit 901 1- 13..1gian 5 per Cm's 1001 If :i per (7ent. Reduced 89/ I Columbian 6 per l'ents. 1824 311 : 31 per Cent. Ditto

97t 1

Danish 3 iwr u...ats 73 4

New 3cper Cents 981 9 Dutch 2f per real:. 52} Bank Stud:

Pottlieuese Regency Stier t'ts.

311 21 Exchequer Bills 6 4 dis.

Ditto 3 per Cents

21* 21 ludia Stuck 251 Russian 5 per Cents III 112

Spanish (Ae:ive)

251 I