The German Emperor has clearly instructed his new Ambassador, Dr.
von Holleben, to conciliate American feeling to the extent of his power. Unmindful of the outcry against President MOCinley made by German and Austrian industrials, his Excellency has declared to an interviewer not only that the President's murder has brought the nations nearer together, but that "his great statesmanship has always been thoroughly appreciated in Germany." Dr. von Holleben not only admires President Roosevelt, but "admires the country which can produce a man of such high abilities." Finally, he denies the reports that Germany wants something in America. "The reports appearing at regular inteivals that Germany is trying to acquire coaling stations or a foot- hold of some kind in South America or the West Indies are started by our enemies, who do not like to see us on too friendly terms with the United States. I am officially autho- rised to state that Germany has no such purpose ; " nor, hie Excellency might have added, will have until her Fleet is ready.