A Tribute To Miss Mary Kingsley.
Journo2 of the African Society. (Macmillan and Co. 6s.) — It is seldom perhaps that a memorial takes the form which would have appealed most to the person commemorated. The......
Some Books Of The Week.
[Under this heading we notice such Ihx,h4 of the week G4 have not beets reserved for review in other forms.] Natal Volunteer Record. (Robinson and Co., Durban, Natal.)— Here we......
Current Literature.
WHAT'S WHAT, 1002. What's What, 1902. By Harry Quilter, M.A. (Sonnenschein and Co. 6s. net.)—The first and most obvious criticism on this volume is that it is as the tower which......
In The Series Of "oxford Poets" (clarendon Press, 3s. 6&,
and 8s. on India paper), The Complete Works of Geoffrey Chaucer, edited by Walter W. Skeet. Professor Skeet prefixes a "Life of Chaucer." (He inclines to believe that the Thomas......