NEWS OF THE WEEK T HE publication of the report of
the Joint Committee on India on Wednesday afternoon was the climax to seven years of political effort, and its findings will determine the political future of 350 million people. But in the mind of the public of Great Britain as a whole that event was completely overshadowed by the arrival at Dover, and a little later in London, of the Princess who a week hence will be the wife of an English Prince. And who shall say that the public's sense of values is wrong ? We have been talking about Indian reforms for the past seven years. We shall certainly have them figuring daily in the Press for the next seven months. But we have not so many Princes who get engaged and married—the last royal wedding in this country was eleven years ago—and most of them are likely only to get engaged and married once. The spontaneity and universality of the nation's delight in the betrothal which will take Prince George and Princess Marina to Westminster Abbey on Thursday is no insignificant evidence of its soundness of heart.