News Of The Week T He Publication Of The Report Of
the Joint Committe e on India on Wednesday afternoon was the climax to seven years of political effort, and its findings will determine the political future of 350 million......
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MusEtrE 1721. Entered as second-Hass Mail Mawr at the New York, N. Y. Post Office, Dec. 23rd. 1896. Postal subscription 30s. per annum, to any part of the world. Postage on this......
Mr. Churchill On The League Mr. Winston Churchill's...
war last Friday was a strange mixture of belligerence and pacifism. He insists that Great Britain must proceed instantly to provide itself with the strongest air force in Europe......
An Arms Control Convention The Arms Control Convention...
the Disarma- ment Conference on Tuesday deserves cordial support from every quarter, and it is satisfactory that Mr. Eden was able to assure the American delegate of the fullest......