The Depressed Areas' Hopes Too many critics of Mr. Chamberlain's
statement about the depressed areas failed to realize that he did not limit the commissioners to the tasks that were specially mentioned in his speech, nor, did he restrict the Government's expenditure to . L2,000,000. The Lord Mayor of Newcastle has been quick to withdraw his first comment, that the £2,000,000 grant for hard-hit areas was a " ilea-bite." In view of the fact that that sum is only a first contribution he is now prepared to welcome the plan as very encouraging. Captain Euan Wallace's report for the north-eastern area was more far-reaching .in its . constructive proposals than those of any of the other commissioners, involving measures in regard to the coal industry and industrial development, some of which would require legislation. But it should be noticed that the newly appointed commissioners are put in a strongly strategic position for pressing these and other steps which they may think desirable. It would not be easy for the Government, after its pro- nouncement, to shelve or explain away urgent recom- mendations. Much now depends upon the open-minded- ness and the driving power of the two commissioners themselves, and they are doubtless fully _alive to the fact that their personal reputations are at stake.