be eourt.
THE Court came to Buckingham Palace, from Windsor, on Tuesday. The Queen and Prince Albert left the Castle at twenty minutes past four, in a carriage and four, escorted by a party of Hussars. The Princess Royal and the suite followed in three other carriages and four.
The Dutchess of Kent arrived at Clarence House on the same day, from Windsor.
The Queen continues in town the exercise which she took at Windsor Castle. On the day before their departure, Prince Albert drove her Majesty out in a pony-phaeton : in town, the Royal couple have taken daily rides in the Park.
The Queen continues in excellent health ; hut we understand that her Majesty's accouchement is daily expected. Yesterday afternoon, orders were given by Sir James Graham for messengers to be in attendance at the Home Office night as well as day ; and if any information of her Majesty being indisposed were received, that expresses should be imme- diately forwarded to all the Cabinet Ministers, whether in town or country.—Standard, Oct. 22. The Queen held a Court and Privy Council on Thursday, at Back- Ingham Uwe. At the Court! 34,r. Stevenson,the United States MI-
ulster, had an audience, to take leave and to deliver a letter from the President. Sir Edward Sugden and Sir George Murray kissed hands on their appointment.
The Privy Council was attended by Prince Albert, Lord Wham- eliffe, Lord Lyndhurst, Sir Robert Peel, Sir James Graham, the Earl of Aberdeen, the Earl of Liverpool, Earl Delawarr' and the Earl of Jersey, At the Council, Parliament was ordered to be further prorogued from Thursday the 11th November until Tuesday the 21st December. The Duke of Cambridge left Kew on Friday, to visit the Earl and Countess of Mayo.. rit-thair el 1. ..,rf ma npAr Reumor.
Sussex. The Dutchess of Gloucester was staying on a visit at the same place. Both their Royal Highnesses came to town yesterday. Prince Ernest of Hesse Philippsthal left Marlborough House on Sunday, to visit the Dutchess of Cambridge and the Princess Augusta of Cambridge, at Kew ; returned to Marlborough House on Monday ; and went to Kew again on Wednesday. On Wednesday, the Dutchess and Princess attended at Covent Garden Theatre.