Int Attrapotio.
A Court of Aldermen was held on Wednesday, and a good deal of general business was despatched. Mr. James Raymond Whithair was unanimously appointed Keeper of Giltsptir Street......
The Spanish Rebellion, Though It Still Goes On, Is So
littlejmecess•, ful that Queen CHRISTINA has disavowed it. It is said that the The Spanish rebellion, though it still goes on, is so littlejmecess•, ful that Queen CHRISTINA has......
The Practical Effects Of Our Embarrassed Foreign...
to be felt at home : the daily papers tell us that there has not been such a bustle in the dockyards for a quarter of a century ; and the Ministerial Times yesterday devoted a......
Be Eourt.
THE Court came to Buckingham Palace, from Windsor, on Tuesday. The Queen and Prince Albert left the Castle at twenty minutes past four, in a carriage and four, escorted by a......