The Spanish rebellion, though it still goes on, is so
littlejmecess•, ful that Queen CHRISTINA has disavowed it. It is said that the The Spanish rebellion, though it still goes on, is so littlejmecess•, ful that Queen CHRISTINA has disavowed it. It is said that the Provisional Government was to consist of ISTURITZ, as President, General DIEGO LEON, and MONTES DE Oct. ISTURITZ seems only to have intrigued, and to have taken no prominent part in the im- mediate outbreak. Of Morass DE Oce little has been heard since the issue of his fierce proclamations at Vittoria. LEON has been shot as a traitor, for his share in the attack on the Palace at Ma- drid. O'DONNELL, another of CHRISTINA'S chiefs, is wandering itout aearrh of a stronghold, having just been turned out of 1,--tz-ars to have beenconfined to
Pampeluna. The insurrection a Navarre and the Basque Provinces ; and even there
to have been at the worst divided, and upon the whole to have been rather reluctant rebels. A few mad ambitious men, treacherous soldiers, the fomenters of local jealousies, and perhaps some Carlists, with a sprinkling of that never-failing body the discontented, consti- tuted all the strength of Queen CHRISTINA'S partisans even within the limits described. The intrigues of CHRISTINA were checked by no fears for her infant daughters : she did not scruple to permit armed men to carry violence into their dwelling, and to make them the standard of contention in the sack of a palace. But the rebel- lion has become most dangerous to its own promoters; and Queen Cnatstuve has solemnly disavowed, to the Spanish Ambassador in Paris, all participation in the civil war. The same post brings us the account of poor little ISABELLA the Second's terror and danger, of the young O'DONNELL'S reverses, of LEON'S bloody fate, of a letter found on him giving CHRISTINA'S authority for his conspiracy, and of CHRISTINA'S cool disavowal.
The interest in the outrage has shifted to the other side of the Pyrennees: Louts Plunues, whose sanction of the project we could not believe, now stands boldly and directly charged with aiding the rebellion, in order to facilitate a match between the Duke of AusteLE, his son who was lately shot at, and ISABELLA the Se- cond. It is a new passion which he has to imitate the Grand Mo- narque : in order that a younger son of France may be King of Spain, all this blood is spilled, this treasure expended, and this perilous shock given to a state scarcely settled in its place after years of civil anarchy. The hot-headed traitors who have raised the war-cry are wicked enough; but, if this story is true, the cool, calcu- lating matchmaker, who uses a deposed Queen for his go-between and sets down the peace of a nation as the cost of his fancy, is the -worst criminal. Lotus PHILIPPE would seem bent upon imitating the questionable acts of all his predecessors : he has made good progress—be gained his throne, like NAPOLEON, by rebellion ; he has emulated CHA the Tenth in a crusade against the press ; lie counterfeits the foreign policy of Louts the Fourteenth : he had need have care not to imitate the end of Louts the Sixteenth. Revolutions are edged tools to play withal.