Tuesday's Gazette notified the appointment of Mr. John Hope, Dean of Faculty, to be Lord Justice Clerk and President of the Second Division of the Court of Session in Scotland, and one of the Senators of the College of Justice there.
At a meeting of the Synod of Aberdeen, last week, Mr. Low of Keig, supported by Mr. Robertson of Elton, moved an overture to the General Assembly to repeal the Veto Act. The motion was met by a resolution moved by Dr. Brown of Marischal College, expressing the regret of the Synod at the opposition which some members of the court had offered to the General Assembly, and at their having held minis- terial communion with the deposed ministers of Strathbogie, and over- taring the General Assembly, "at all hazards to maintain inviolate the supremacy of the Divine head of the Church, as set forth in the doc- trine of the spiritual independence of the Church, and the rights and privileges of the Christian people of her communion." The latter was carried, by 64 votes to 36.
The Renfreicshire Reformer publishes a table compiled by the Paisley Relief Committee, showing the state of the unemployed people. whose numbers are fearfully on the increase The following numbers were supplied with meat, bread, and potatoes, on a day specified-
" Married men, with their wives 1,240 Children belonging to the above 1,546 - 2,786 Widows and deserted wives, with unmarried females 509 Children belonging to these 747 - 1,256 Single males, mostly young men 166 Number supplied 13th October, 1841 4,208
New applications on the 14th 78."
The total number of lootnsteads in the district is 5,746 : of these, 3,158 are unemployed, and 871 are unoccupied. There are 440 empty houses, and 100 empty shops. The list of the Paisley Relief List, on Saturday, numbered 4,133. The total amount of contributions, includ- ing 251. from the Bishop of Durham, is 1,7301.; the expenditure ex- ceeds that sum by 25/.