On the iffith October, in Guildford Street, Lady Pollock, of a son,
On the 15th, at St. Peter's Vicarage, Thanet, the Wife of the Rev. John George Hodgson, Vicar of Croydon, of a daughter.
On the 17th, at Bluntishain Rectory, the With of the Rev. Edward Baines, of a son. On the 17th, at Woolwich, the With of Lieutenant-Colonel W. M. Burton, Royal Marines, of a daughter.
On the 18th, at Brook Green, Hammersmith, Mrs. Mark Lemon, of a daughter.
On the 18th, at Addington Rectory, near Maidstone, the Lady of the Rev. George Paulson, of a son.
On the 19th, at Woolwich, the Wife of Major Collingwood Dickson, Royal Horse Ar- tillery, of a son.
On the 19th, the Viscountess Campden, of a daughter.
On the 19th, In New Street, Spring Gardens, the Lady of Dr. Todd, of a son. On the 19th, at Edinburgh, the Lady Jane Johnstone Douglas, of a sou.
On the 20th, in Gloucester Square, Ilyde Park, the Wife of J. P. Kay Shuttleworth, Esq., of a son.
Lately, in Lowndes Street, the Honourable Mrs. Charles Cust, of a daughter.
On the lath October, at DewILsh, near Blandford, George Templer Graham, Esq., of Cossington House, Somerset, to Caroline Mary, eldest daughter of the late General Dewlish House, and Kingston Russel, Dorsetshire.
On the 14th, at St. Mary's, Stockport, Brent Spencer Follett, Esq., of Lincoln's Inn, Barrister-at-law, to Caroline Amelia, youngest daughter of Walker Skirrow, Esq., of Lincoln's Inn, and of Reddish House, Lancashire, Queen's Counsel, anti one of her Ma- jesty's Commissioners in Bankruptcy.
On the 14th, at Stringston Church, Bid Wyndham Roes Jenner, Esq., late Captain Bengal Amy, the youngest son Of the late Robert Jenner, Esq., of Wenvoe Castle, Glamorganshire, to Ann, eldest daughter of Langley St. Albyn, Esq., of Alfoxton Park,
On the 14th, at Frant, the Rev. H. T. M. Kirby, Vicar of Mayfield, Sosees', to Hannah Jane, eldest daughter of the Rev. Sir Henry Thomson, Bart.
On the 16th, at St. James's Church, Piccadilly, Captain W. Holt, It.N., to Juliana, Widow of the lirte-PaiitTate, Esq., of Liverpool.
On the 16th, Philip Cotton, Esq., brother of the Dean of Lismore, to Caroline, daugh- ter of thedate Rev. Dr. Hoskins.
On the 18th, at Dullingbam Church, William Pigott, Esq., of Dullingham House, Cambridgeshire, and Demme. Suffolk, son of the late Sir George Pigott, Bart., to Char- lotte Maria, Widow of the late Lieutenant-General the Right Hon. Lord Keane, G.C.B. and G.C.H.
On the 19th, at Saltwood, Kent, Frederick Sutton, Eirq., Georgina, third daughter of the Venerable James Croft, Archdeacon ot Canterbury.
On the 19th, Arthur Walton Onslow, Esq., youngest son of Sir Henry Onslow, Bart., to Isabella, third daughter of the late John Peurice, Esq., of Witten, Norfolk.
On the 19th. at St. George's, Hanover Square, Harry S. Wilde, Esq., Barrister-at- law, of the Inner Temple, son of Sir John Wilde, to Catherine Caroline, second daugh- ter of the late•Charles Canard, Esq., of Upper Forrest, Clamorgan.
On the 20th, at Childwall, Adam Steuart Gladstone, Esq., son of the late Robert Gladstone, Esq., to Caroline, third daughter of Joseph Need Walker. Esq., of Calder- stone, near Liverpool.
On the 20th, Captain Sir Thomas Raikes Trigge Thompson, Bart., R.N., to Gertrude, youngest daughter of the Rev. Robert Napier lialkes, Vicar of Long Hope, Gloucester- On the 20th, at Richmond, Surrey, the Very Rev. the Dean of Ely, to Frances Eliza- beth, youngest daughter of William Selwyn, EM, Q.C.
On the 6th October, at Les Bains de Burmio, Lombardy, the Lady Charles Paulet. On the 10th, at Tunbridge Wells, the Right Honourable Lady Harriet Gander, Relict of the late Rev. William Garnier, of Rookesbury, Hampshire. On the 11th, at Ardyne House, Argyleshire, Philip Barton 3PNair, third son of the
tale Lieutenant-Colonelaames K.H., Seventy-third Regiment, of Greenfield, near Glasgow ; in his 19th year.
On the 14th, at Eldo House. near Bury St. Edmund's, Major-General Philip Ray ; in his 72d year.
On the .15th, at Brighton, the Venerable Archdeacon Dealtry, Rector of Clapham, Surrey.
On the 18th, at St. John's Wood, Joshua Cristall, one of the originators of the Society of Painters in Water Colours, and many years President of that institution ; in his SOth year.
Oa the 19th, at Ramsgate, Levi Abraham, Esq.; in his 95th year.