A Real Measure For Ireland.
Mosr of the recent memorials and petitions from Irish landown- ers express at least one reasonable desire ; they call for "facili- ties for the transfer of land." It is well to......
The Cholera.
TO THE EDITOR OF THE SPECTATOR. 19th October 1847. 19th October 1847. Sin—Public attention seems to be uneasily directed towards the progress of the cholera; and the alarm its......
Metropolitan Improvements—the Coal-duties.
TO THE EDITOR OF THE SPECTATOR. Sunderland, 19th October 1847. SIR—In last week's Spectator, under the head of "Metropolitan Improvements s--Plan of the Record Office," I read......
Madame Vestris Opens Her Theatre With A Brilliancy...
interior is renovated from top to bottom; solid Cupids decorate the panels; rows of lustres, instead of a central chandelier, illumine the sale; private boxes hung with crimson......
Topics Of The Day.
" AIDE-TOI." THE mercantile world is in trouble ; it sees no immediate resource, no easy way of escape ; and flies to the usual resort for help—to "the Government.' People have......