WAR-OFFICE, Oct. 22.-6th Drag. Guards-Lieut. J. Forster, from the 7th Foot, to be Lieut. vice Carter, who exchanges. 14th Light Drags.-Capt. H. E. Doherty to be Major, by purchase, vice Ainslie, promoted; Lieut. A. Scudamore to be Capt. by pur- chase, vice Doherty ; Cornet H. Edwards to be Lieut. by purchase, vice Scudamore ; W. D'Urban Blyth, Gent, to be Cornet, by purchase, vice Edwards, 1st Foot-Ensign H. F. Jones to be Lieut. by purchase, vice Hawkins, who retires ; J. Aytoun, Gent, to be Ensign, by purchase, vice Jones. 6th Foot- Lieut. the Hon. A. G. C. Chichester to be Adjt. vice Dowker, who resigns the Adjutancy only. 7th Foot-Lieut. H. L. Carter, from the 6th Drag. Guards, to be Lieut, vice Forster, who exchanges ; Second Lieut. R. W. Aldworth, from the 60th Foot, to be Lieut. by purchase, vice Harriett, who re- tires. 29th Foot-Lieut, E. H. Westropp to be Capt. without purchase, vice Kirby, dec. ; Ensign E. B. Hart, from the 80th Foot, to he Lieut. vice Westropp. 60th Foot -W. Mere, Gent, to be Second Lieut. by purchase, vice Aldworth, promoted in the Ttli Foot. 61st Foot-Capt. J. Campbell to be Major, without purchase, vice Douglas, dec.; Lieut. W. A. Dely, from the 21st Foot, to be Capt. vice Campbell. 63d Foot-Capt. E • S. T. Swyny to be Major, by purchase, vice Carew, who retires; Lieut. S. F. C. Annee- ley to be Capt. by purchase, vice Swyny ; Ensign S. Fairdough to be Lieut. by pur- chase, vice Annesley ; C. C. Pole, Gent, to be Ensign, by purchase, vice Fairtlough• 731 Foot-Ensign W. Sweep to be MR. vice Bicknell, promoted. 89th Foot-Ensign B. D. Moore to be Lieut. by purchase, vice Duff, who retires ; J. Atkinson, Gent, tube Ensign, by purchase, vice Moore.
Unattached-Major C. I'. Ainslie, from the 14th Light Drags, to be Lieut.-Col. by purchase.
Memorandum-Major-Gen. C. Beckwith, upon unattached pay. as a General Officer, has been allowed to retire from the ,service by the sale of an unattached lieutenant- colonelcy.
OFFICE or OrairrAncE, Oct. 19.-Royal Engineers-Lieut.-Gen. J. F. Birch, C.B. to be Col.-Commandant, vice Sir S. T. Dickens. dec.
ADMIRALTY, Oct. 18.-Royal Marines-H. B. Roberts, Gent, to be Sec. Lieut.; .1.• Shute, Gent, to be Sec. Lieut.