The Bavarian Chamber of Representatives has been sitting at Munich
in extraordinary convocation, ostensibly to consider the means by whicle the money required for railroads shall be raised. Occasion, however, hae been taken by the Liberal party to propose as a condition of voting the money the redress of certain grievances. On the 16th instant were pro posed four propositions involving the abolition of the censorship and the absolute freedom of the press and correspondence; and the motion was agreed to without a division; there being only one dissentient.
The King of Prussia signalized his birthday, on the 15th instant, by the promulgation of a law pardoning all Criminals who may have stolen food, or fuel, or committed small breaches of trust, under the pressure of the. late deplorable distress. The only condition is the production of evidence as to previous good conduct.
The Jews of Aix, in gratitude to Pius IX. for what he has done ins behalf of their race at Rome, have put up prayers in their synagogue fox- his Holiness.