STOCK EXCHANGE, FRIDAY AFTERNOON. 'Under the effect of the alarm occasioned by the stoppage of the Royal Bank of Liverpool on Monday, and that of the Liverpool Banking Company on the suc- ceeding day, the prices of the Public Securities declined nearly 2 per cent from the closing quotations of last week. On Wednesday and yesterday prices had advanced about 11 per cent from the lowest quotation; but a decline of more than 1 per cent was occasioned by the sale of 250,000/. Consols, lent by the Bank of England to an eminent Liverpool house, which had in this form received the assistance required. This morning the market opened heavily, in consequence of the stoppage of the Union Banking Company of Newcastle, and that of 4 private bank at Manchester; but soon recovered under the effect of con- tinued money purchases. In the course of the afternoon it declined again; and Consols for Money, after fluctuating between 791 and 801, close at 791 1; for Account the extremes have been 791 and 801, and the last price is 801 1. Daring the last two or three days the amount of money invested by the public of all descriptions, small capitalists especially, has been very great; and but for the incident of some large sales, similar to the one already noticed, the quotations would doubtless have experienced a considerable advance. Some very heavy sales of Long Annuities have been made on account of the Scotch Banks and other large capitalists; and these securities have been below 8 —affording an interest of 7 per cent upon the investment. This low quotation has had the usual effect of inducing purchases; and the quotations of today range from 8 1-16th to 8 3-16th. Bank Stock has improved, and has ranged from 178 to 1821; the latter being the last quotation. Exchequer Bills continue depressed: the range of discount has been from 35s. to los.; notwithstanding the firmness of the Stock Market today, the quotation has been as low as 33s. discount, and the last price is 28s. There is no alteration in the rate of discount; which may be quoted, as last week, at from 51 to 9 per cent. The general tone of the money-market may, however, be considered better, as there is less indisposition among capitalists to part with money; and as the present high rate of the foreign exchanges is operating to bring in gold, we may expect an increased feeling of security and diminution of pressure. In the Foreign Market, the prices of most of the current varieties have expe- -rienced decline. Dutch Stock are affected by the depression of the home mar- ket, occasioned by continued sales. For a large number of the Non-dividend Stocks the quotations are merely nominal, and the business transacted in them has been quite unimportant. An exception must be made in favour of Mexican Stock, which hies been largely dealt in; so that the quotations, which had fallen to 17/, have since been 181, and 'close at 171 18. Portuguese and Spanish Stock are nearly at our last quotations: there has been more business than usual in the former.
The more important class of Shares have been much depressed. North-westem were at one time as low as 1381, being about 71. below our last quotations. Mid- land and Great Western have both been done at par, being a fall of about 31. Lancashire and Yorkshire, formerly Manchester and Geeds, have been at 10 dis- count, having fallen to 72. All these, however, are higher today; North-western being 144 and 146, Midland 103 and 106, Great Western 90 and 91. The smaller shares have been but slightly affected: in fact, the majority of them have fallen to so great a discount, and are in such disrepute, that sales to any extent are nearly impossible, and purchasers are raros eves. Some considerable business -has occurred in the shares of the N athem of France Railway, which have fluc- tuated between par and premium: the advance is chiefly owing to the large purchases of an eminent Parisian banker; the English speculators not having -been tempted into any renewal of operations.
SATURDAY, TWELVE O'CLOCK. The accounts of the Bank of England for the week ending Saturday last -exhibit, when compared with those of the previous week, the following re- _sults: an increase under these beads—notes issued, 28,0151.; bullion, 21,9501.; Actual circulation, 719,6001.; seven-day and other bills, 40,0321. A decrease is observable iii the following—rest, 592,0201.; public depoeits, 3,917,8301.; Govern- ment securities, 337,4631.; other securities, 2,474.1171.; notes unissued, 691,5851. The greet alteration here recorded is to be referred to the payment of the dividends; the public deposits and other securities being affected by the necessity of providing for the dividends upon the Public Debt, and the rest by that of pro- viding for the dividend upon Bank Stock. The increase in the bullion is the remarkable feature in the accounts; for though small, it must be taken as in- dicating a large importation. as the stock must have been considerably diminished by the amount required for the payment of the dividends, any augmentation of this item during the particular period to which the account refers is not less unexpected than gratifying. The English Stock Market is firmer; the opening price of Consols for Money was 80, and for Account 801; and the quotations are now 791 80 for Money, and 8011 for Account. Exchequer Bills are still depressed, the price being 32s. to 27s. discount. In the Foreign Market, Mexican Stock is the only one that has experienced any change; the intelligence from Mexico having caused a decline of nearly 1 per cent, the stock being freely °tiered at 17, and the nominal quota- tion being 161 17. The Railway Shares are slightly firmer; the higher prices of yesterday being in many cases obtained. The following are the only bargains as yet recorded: Eastern Counties, 15i 1; Edinburgh and Glasgrev, 47; Great Western, Half-shares, 54; Ditto, New, 17L, 71; Blackwell, New, 2; Brighton, 89 1; North-western, 146; Ditto, New, 251., 7; Midland, 106 5; Ditto, 401, 39; Ditto, Birmingham and Derby, 118; North British, Half-shares, 101; North Stafford, 6i; Luxembourg, 1.
SATURDIT, Two °Twat.
It is reported that a deputation of bankers have proceeded from the City to wait this morning upon Lord John Russell; and it is hence anticipated that some proceeding may be taken by the Government which may have the effect of miti- gating the severity of the present pressure; what aid even conjecture hesitates to say. Under the expectation of some relief, however, the Stock Market has im- proved; Consols for Account closing at 801 /, after having been at 80i. Ex- chequer Bills continue much depressed, the discount having fallen to 37s.; which price is the last quoted. In the Foreign Market the only bargains re- corded are the following: Mexican, 171; Ditto, for Account, 171; Portuguese Four per Cents, 201; Belgian, 89; Dutch Two-and-a-Half, 53; Ditto, Four per Cents, 81. The Railway Market continues firm, and the transactions in some cases indicate an advance upon yesterday's prices. The following are the principal bargains since the morning: Eastern Counties, 151 1; Great North of England, 212; London and Blackwell, 41; London, Brighton, and South Coast, 391 81 so; London and North-western, 146 7 51; Midland, 106 5 86; North British, 24 3i; South-eastern and Dover, 261 6 7; York and North Midland, 68 71; Ditto, East and West Riding extension, 251; Boulogne and Amiens, 131; Dutch-Rhenish, 21; Northern of France, 101; Orleans and Bordeaux, 31 / 1; Paris and Rouen, 33i.
Business has been prolonged till the present hour. It is reported that the deputation of bankers are to have another interview with the Minister on Monday at one o'clock. As this is considered favourable, the speculators have been anx- ious to get into Stock, and the price of Consols for Account has risen to 811 1. a per Cent Consols 801 f Danhih 3 per Cents 79 at
Ditto for Account 801 1 Dutch 21 per Cents 621 Ilf 3 per Cent Reduced 791 f Ditto 4 per Cents 81 2
ai per Cents ON i Mexican 5 per Cents...1846 16f 171
Long Annuities 8 1-16 3-16 New Grenada
Bank Stock Portuguese New 5 p. Cts.1842 19 21
Exchequer BM 30 40 dis Peruvian 33 6 India Stock Russian 5 per Cents 103 5 Brazilian 5 per Cents 72 5 Spanish (Active) 5 per Cents 161 171 Belgian 41 per Ceuta 87 9 Ditto 3 per Cents 1842 27 1 Buenos Ayres 6 per Cent ... — Venezuela 33 6 ChIllan 6 per Cents