23 OCTOBER 1915, Page 3

On Friday week the Daily News, answering some hot criticism

from the Morning Post about its attitude towards recruiting, made what it called a " fair offer." It promised that if the Morning Post and its friends would do all in their power to help Lord Derby's effort to save voluntaryism, and if during that effort the supporters of compulsion suspended their campaign, it—the Daily News—would abide by the result of Lord Derby's attempt. In other words, if all will do their utmost to help Lord Derby, the Daily News promises not to resist compulsion if in the end it is shown to be necessary. The Morning Post has very wisely said, in effect, "Done with you! " to what is, in our opinion, not only a fair offer, but one highly creditable to the good sense of the Daily News. Let us all help Lord Derby to the top of our bent. If we cannot save voluntaryism by all working together, there will not be any one who will be able to hold out against the logical position of the Daily News.