A Somersetsfiire Story.
[TO THE EDITOR or TUB "SPECTATOR."] SIR,—As I was the means of bringing the saying of the patriotic collier's wife to your notice, I should like to point out to your indignant......
[to Tier Edttolt Or Ties " Spectatort."]
SIR,—In your issue of October 9th your correspondent "Homo" inquires as to some satisfactory method by which coal-dust can be used on the domestic hearth. A. thoroughly......
War Humours.
rm THE EDITOR OP TRU "SPECTATOR...1 reference to an article in the Spectator of October 9th, it may interest your readers to know that our local greengrocer is fond of telling......
[to Tee Editor Op The " Spectator."] Sir, —the Tale In
your article on the "Humours of War" in the issue of October 9th about the leg which was bitten off is a very old "chestnut." How old probably no one knows. But you will find it......
The Income Tax.
pr. TUN EDITOR OP TUE "ErECTATOR."1 SIR, —Your correspondent "A Surrey Landowner " has pointed out the unfairness of the Income Tax as at present raised from the point of view......
Portuguese Contract Labour. [to Tee Editor Op Tr!...
I draw the attention of your readers to a reprint from the Spectator of September 18th of Lord Cromer's article on " Portuguese Contract Labour P This important statement has,......
[to Thit Editor Op Mir "spectator."]
am not one who rushes blindly into print, but the sweeping assertion by the editor that "all bachelors should pay Super Tax whatever their incomes " is more than I, and surely......
" Le Berceau."
[To rue EDITOR 01 TUN " SPROTATOE."] SIR,—As you have so courteously admitted to your columns notioes in connexion with " Le Beroeau," may I ask you to add to your kindness by......
(to Rue Editor Or Tru "sfectator. " 1 Sir, —may I Add One
to the specimens of war phraseology quoted in your article on " Humours of War Relief " P As Secretary to a Territorial Force Association somewbere iii Scotland, I have received......
fib TEE EDITOR OP TEl "SPECTATOR."] Sin,—If I took in the Spectator for no other reason, the delightful article in your issue of October 9th on " Flowers in Flanders" would be......