ANOTHER CORRECTION [To the Editor of the SPECTATOR.] SIR,—The ex-Emperor
makes-an error in his statement, pub- lished in the story of his Early Life, in No. 5,128 Spectator of October 9th, to the effect that the " little Crown Prince was the only one of Queen Victoria's great-grandchildren present at the Jubilee of 1887." The Queen's eldest great-grandchild, II.S.H. Princess Feodore of Saxe-Meiningen, attended it., She was born in 1879 ; her mother was the eldest sister of the ex-Emperor. His eldest son was born in 1882. We have an engraving of Tureen's " Jubilee Picture " of the Royal Family, taken in 1887, in the Queen's drawing-room: Little Princess Foodore is standing next to the Queen ; Prince Frederick-William (now the ex-Crown Prince) is standing on the outside edge ; and little Princess Alice of Battenberg (grand-daughter of Princess Alice, who married the Grand Duke of Hesse) is also in the group and was the youngest of the great-grandchildren in the group. Now she is Princess Andrew of Greece. Princess Feodore married, in 1898, -Prince
Henry XXX of Reuss.--1 am, Sir, &c., • -