23 OCTOBER 1926, page 31

This Summer I Cruised To The Canary Islands By The

Yeoward Line, but it is really a winter trip. The charm of- Lisbon, Madeira, Las Palmas, Teneriffe, Santa Cruz and Oratava need not be described to Spectator readers, but......

To Continue To Enjoy The Summer Sun When Winteecomes Is

the object of all the delightful cruises that are planned for . us - by the Shipping Companies. Soirie of the best are the Mediterranean' cruises of the Cunard line. The 17,000......

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Why do not the hotel proprietors o1 England adopt this sensible plan ? It should be put in the forefront of the " Come to Britain " movement. The travelling public is becoming......

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Sir Richard Burton, who spoke seventeen languages with fluency, took only three' weeks to acquire a new speech. He studied in short, intense snatches of not more than a quarter......

The Italian State Railways Willprovide A Booklet Giving...

traveller the rates charged . at every hotel throughout Italy.......

I Have To Take Back What I Said Last Year

about the ten per cent: tipping system, as regards hotels in Italy and France. I spent iome very pleasant days at Bertolini's Hotel in Naples recently (surely there is no more......

I Wonder When The Compagnie Internationale Des Wagon-...

accommodation. A transcontinental sleeping berth is really Very uncomfortable compared to the excellent single " state rooms " of, for instance, the night train to - Perth of......

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How often must the English traveller' be reininded- that- he shoUld take his own soap and writing Paper with - hail' . on the Continent ? Even the best hotels do not provide......

The North African Motor Tours Of The French Line Can

be heartily recoitunended at this season to travellers who re- meinher, as I di), the exquisite cirque of hills that rings Algiers, and the flush of evening light on the Sahara.......

* * • * A Kind Correspondent Sends Me The

following from Vevey :- "Vevey is not as gay as Montreux : it's one hope of fast living, the Casino, has been spoilt by a law forbidding gambling. Some of the Swiss papers have......

Visitors To Ronne In Search Of A- Modest Hotel Where

English is well spoken and where the cooking is plain but really first: class are recommended to' try the 'Hotel Britannia, which is central, convenient and clean. Full board......

The Berlitz System I Employed Years Ago In Learning...

My tongue would never have twisted round its ghains • and Khesand quafs without the help of an Arab employed by this excellent institution. _Then there is the Pelman method, of......

A Correspondent Writes From America With Regard To The "

Come to Britain " movement, stating that the delights and attraetiens of the South of France are well advertised in the United States, whereas the spring beauties of England are......