23 OCTOBER 1926, Page 31

I wonder when the Compagnie Internationale des Wagon- improve their

accommodation. A transcontinental sleeping berth is really Very uncomfortable compared to the excellent single " state rooms " of, for instance, the night train to -Perth of the 1L.M.S. service.' Besides, if one is: travelling alone,. torture it is toure to be cooped up with a strange fellav- pasienger in one of those cramped old-fashioned art-nouveau compartments still. provided on the ordinary (but not the ham)-expresses to Rome. I notice that Wagon-Lits attendants now receive ten per cent. of the passage money as a fixed pourbOire : this is a good idea, but so far as I am concerned, they don't score. I used to give them ten shillings at least for- the Paris-Rome trip.; now they- get the equivalent of five. shillings.