[To the Editor of the SPECTATOR.]
SIR,—Two years ago an appeal was launched under the patronage of H.R.H. The Princess Louise, Duchess of Argyll, for £80,000 to build a children's hospital in the poor and crowded district of North Kensington:. Of this amount we have now got together nearly £40,000 ; we have bought a splendid site, where the fonndation-stone of the first portion of the building (comprising out-patient depart- ment and one ward unit) will be laid on NOi;ember 2ni by our President, Princess Louise.
To furnish and equip this first building will cost about £2,500. In view of the keen personal interest shown by Her Royal Highness in the hospital scheme; a Special Presentation Ftind is being raised to pay for the equipment without trench- ing on the building fund- and it is honed to hand a cliecstic to Iler Royal Highness for. the whole £2,500 on the occasion of the foundation-stone 'laying. A roll of the names of eon.. tributors will accompany the cheque.
' The extent of the need to be met by the hospital may be gauged from the attendances (nearly 400 a week) at the small temporary premises which have been opened in St. Mark's Road, and where, of course, no in-patients can be received.
All contributions towards this Special Fund, or gifts, of the value of any specific item of equipment, will be gratefully acknowledged by me at the Town Hall, Kensington, W. 8.-