23 OCTOBER 1926, Page 1

* * * * It can hardly have been a

mere coincidence that when addressing that admirable body, the International. Chamber of Commerce, in Paris, on Wednesday Sir Alan Anderson, formerly Deputy-Governor of the Bank of England, spoke precisely in the spirit of the bankers', manifesto. He said that an even worse barrier to trade than the false sense of rivalry between nations was the lack in Europe of a stable token with which to trade The United States had a stable currency and no barriers between the States, whereas Europe had many currencies, several of them unstable, and no fewer than twenty-eight Customs .barriers. The reasons for the prosperity of the.bneiienand;the. depression_ f the-othentere.ohylous:. -_ Several European - countries bad . drunk: too much of " the heady wine of inflation." They were now regretting their. error, but recovery was being made much more difficult than it need be by " outrageous Protection."