23 OCTOBER 1926, Page 49

New Novels

M. VALENTINE WILLIAms gives us three hours' exciting reading in his new novel, The Pigeon House (Hodder and Stoughton, 7s. 6d. net), the distinguishing feature of which is a most gruesome description of how the hero witnesses the public guillotining of a former friend on the Boulevard Arago. rile rest of the book is occupied with his efforts to avenge him. „.* * * There is a certain-naivete and freshness about Descla 'sure. Tina's novel, The Emir'S Wife (Jonathan Cape, 7s. 6d. net), which points to its beini'ii.first book. The accounts of life in Syria are vividly .glven and .interesting, but the author must belyareTof - The phrase " There were moments," Which-runs-like a iefrainthroukli the book, is not as effective as she imagines. * The:-attnosphere of the Regency in what was first ealled-Brightelinston, now Brighton, is well realized in The Prince'S'Love Affair, by A. H. Bennett (Long- mans, 7s. 6d. net), and ``. Prinnv " himself is made a . more attractive figure than Stildenta ofhistory would think pOSSible. A very well realized sketch.