Meanwhile the disorder in the Baltic provinces increases, and the
insurgents in the Caucasus threaten a movement for "separation?' That would be a declaration of war by the Mussulmans against the Imperial power, which certainly fails to restore order either at Baku, Tiflis, or Batoum. The entire Caucasus may be said to be in insurrection, and must be flooded with troops, which it is difficult to spare from other regions. According to the best informed correspondents, the origin of the disturbances is attributed by the officials to the Armenians ; but this is denied by all other authorities. The Armenians are no doubt in despair; but there are only a million and a half of them in Russia, and it is improbable that they would risk extirpation by the Mussulmans. Their kinsfolk in Persia and Turkey, who are two millions and a half more, could hardly save them. Their quarrel with the Moham- medans is centuries old, but they have not for generations been the aggressors.