Christus Liberator. By Ellen C. Parsons, M.a. (macmillan...
2s. net.)—Under this title Miss Parsons, whose name is well known on the other side of the Atlantic, has given us an "Outline Study of Africa," viewed from the missionary stand-......
The Co - Operative Union : Thirty - Seventh Annual Co -...
Manchester.)—Here we have a report of the proceedings of the Congress; a list of dele- gates, British and foreign; the introductory address delivered by Dr. Hans Muller, of......
The Alien Problem.
The Problem of the Immigrant. By James Davenport Whelpley. (Chapman and Hall. 10s. 6d. net.)—Mr. Whelpley's comprehen- sive account of the way in which the chief European......
Last Records Of A Cotswold Community. Edited By C. P.
Ashbee. (Essex House Press.)—The village of Weston-sub- Edge, in Gloucestershire, now numbering between three and four hundred inhabitants, had the charge of the Cotswold Games,......
Some Books Of The Week.
[Under this heading we notice such Books of the week as have not been reserved for mists in other forms.] The Layman's Book of Saints. By the Rev. Gerard Sampson. (Mowbray and......
"the Doctor Says." (sidney Appleton. 3s. 6d. Net.)—the...
of this volume runs thus : "A Book of Advice for the Household, with Practical Hints for the Preservation of Health and the Prevention of Disease." It will easily be seen that......
Scandinavia. By R. Nisbet Bain. (cambridge University...
Bain, who has already given to the world a monograph on Charles XII. of Sweden, tells in this volume the story of the three Scandinavian kingdoms. His narrative is excellently......