Lord Londonderry in addressing the members of the Stockton-on-Tees Unionist
organisation at Wynyard Park on Saturday last used phrases which possibly point to the approach of a General Election. Having defended Mr. Balfour and the Government for remaining in office, though they were defeated in the House of Commons, he declared that it was their duty "to remain in power until the Anglo- Japanese Treaty had been signed, the Aliens Bill passed, and the Scottish Churches Bill passed." Since these things have now all been accomplished, did Lord Londonderry by enume- rating them mean to point out that the need for postponing a Dissolution has passed, and so give a hint to his hearers and the nation as to coming events ? In all probability Lord Londonderry and the anti-Chamberlain section of the Cabinet would now like an appeal to the people because they realise that the Unionist party is becoming more demoralised every day. The Chamberlainites, on the other hand, are impatient to get over the period which they believe separates them from the consummation of their hopes. But if both sections of the Cabinet are agreed upon this, and if Mr. Balfour has no further obstacles to present, why should not the country at large have what it unquestionably desires ? We presume that the Cabinet will meet at the end of the month, and finally decide the matter one way or another.