24 APRIL 1841, Page 20



On the 19th inst., in Great Cumberlaud Place, the Lady of GEORGE ROBERT SMITE, Esq.. M.P.. of a son.

On the 13th inst., at Stonehouse, Devon, the Lady of Lieutenant Boacoutra, RE., of a daughter.

On the 16th February, at Aden, the Lady of Captain R twist:mow, First European Regiment, of a sou, On the 19th lust., at Leitrim House, Dublin. the Lady of SAMUEL WENSLEY BLACK- tax. Esq., of Columber. of a daughter. On the 17th inst., at the Priory, Folkestone, the Wife of the Rev. PETER SPENCER, of a EMI.

On the 18th just., in Harley Street, the Lady of DENIS LE MARCHANT, Esq., of a daughter.

On the 17th inst., at Bentinck Street, Manchester Square, the Wife of Captain ED- WARD Hu:ratans Surma, of a son.

On the 18th inst., in Hyde Park Gardens, the Lady of the Rev. EDMUND IIOLL1ND, of a eon.


On the 17th inst., at St. Margaret's, Westminster, Sir WALTER JAMES, Bart.. to SABAH CAR/mum, fifth daughter of Cuthbert Ellison, Esq., of Hebburn Hall, in the county of Durham.

On the 20th inst., at St. James's Church, the Hon. CHARLES R. Sr. Joust, to JANE, daughter of the late Thomas Gibeon. Esq. On the 15th inst., at Weymouth, General Sir Jonw FRASER, G.C.H., of Campden Hill, Middlesex, to CaAm.ovrr, daughter of the late Colonel Van Cortlandt, of the manor of Cortlandt.

On the 15th inst., at Albury, Surrey, M. C. Saws, Esq.,eldest son of Colonel Satan, C.B., to Mute URSULA, eldest duughter of the Hon. and Rev. W. L. Addiugton. On the 21st inst., at Campton, Bedfordshire. Colonel PowELL, of Mimeos. M.P. for Cardiganshire, to Hamm= Dna. Misses, Widow of the late George Ackers, Esq., of Moreton Hall, Cheshire.

On the 15th inst., at Chelsea, Jews DREMRIDGE, Req., of Tunbridge Wells, to Lady COLEBROOKE. Relict of the late Sir James Edward Colebrooke, Bart., of Colebrooke Park, Kent.

On the 15th inst., at the Cathedral, Salisbury. CHARLES Paornzao, Esq., of Malpas, Monmouthshire. to SOPHIA CECILIA. second daughter of the Venerable W. Macdonald, Archdeacon of Wilts.

On the 17th inst.. at All Souls'. Langham Place. the Rev.WILLIAU Muammar. M.A., Rector of Crudwell and Vicar of Haukerton. Wiltshire. and Chaplain to the Earl de Grey, to SARAH, only surviving daughter of the late Rev. Thomas Wise, D.D., of Bland. ford. Dorset. and Rector of Hagworthingham. Litmolnshire.

On the 20th inst. at Storrington, Joint Hawreorat LECKE, Esq., of Cullinswood House, County Dublin. to Unarm& Emat Wismar, daughter of the la'e Lieutenant- Colonel Edward Eardley Wilmot. Royal Horse Artillery. On the 15th inst.. at St. Paucras, Euston Square, CHARLES WOOLLOTON, Esq., to CLA- RISSA, third daughter of J. D. Mayhew, Esq.. of Fitzroy Square. On the 13th inst.. at Chelvey. Somerset, the Rev. J. F. CIIIIHERLEGE„ Vicar of Act- wood, Bucks, to Leer Amm, daughter of the late Rev. John Matthew, Rector of Kilve,. Somerset.

On the 20th inst., at Prince's Street. Edinburgh. THOMAS Honosoar, Esq., of Aldine Chambers, Loudon, to GRACE, suit JOSEPH Wrist's', Esq., of King's Arms Yard, Lon- don, to ANNE, daughters of Alexander Clapper:ou, Esq., of Spylaw Bank and Prince's Street, Edinburgh.

On the 21st.o inst., at St. George's, Hanover Square. T. J. LANGFORD BROOKE. Esq., eldest SOO Of T. Laulford Brooke, Esq., of Mere Hall. Cheshire, 10 CATHERINE MARY, second daughter of the late Major Alexander Macleod. On the 20th inst., at Wavendou, Bucks. names ANDERSON. Esq., of Littleharle Tower. Northumberland, to EMILY, daughter of the Rev. John Fisher, Rector of Wavendon.

On the 20th inst., at Tottenham. the Rev. HENRY JCSTINIAN, eldest son of the 'Rev. Thomas Newcume, Rector of Shenley, to Cummorre, fourth daughter of the late John Mien Winter, Esq.. of the same place. Oa the 21,1 hist., at St. Mark's. Kennington, the Rev. THOMAS James Rowans., B.A., Assistant-Minister of St. Mark's, and Domestic Chaplain to his Grace the Duke of Sutherland, to MARIANNE, eldest daughter of John Norman, Esq., of the Clapham Road.

On the 17th inst., at St. Geoige's, Hanover Square, and afterwards at the Bavarian Chapel, VreroR Vox Glom-menus. Lienteuant in the Austrian service, to Maar MAR- GARET. eldest daughter of William Henderson, M.D., of Aberdeen.


On the 18th inst., at Leamington. the Earl of DELMORE, in his 67th year.

On the 22d inst., at Mickleham Hall, Lady ALBERT CONYNGHAM, of scarlet fever. Ou the 30th March, at Luches, iii France, Captain Sir HENRY Wria, R.N., K.C.B., in his 66th year. On the 20th inst., suddenly, at his seat at Cairuess, Aberdeenshire. General THOMAS GORDON.

On the 16th inst., in his 70th year, JOHN PEARSON, Esq., of Tetterthall, late Advocate. General of Bengal. On the 21st inst.. at his house in Wilton Crescent, in his 77th year, the Rev. CHARLES GORE, of Barrow Court, Somersetshire. brother of Colonel Gore Lang too, M.P.

On the 10.h inst., in Brighton. MEREDITH MARIA, the Wife of Sir Wiudham Car- michael Anstruther, Bart., in her 37th year.

On the 18th of February. at Cape Town, BENJAMIN RICARDO. Esq., in his 53,1 year. At Edinburgh, Dr. JAMES BROWNE, for several years editor of the Mercury; but more widely and permanently known for the many valuable articles he communicated to the Encyclopeedia Britunntca, particularly on early history, grammar and etymology, the art of WRY, and biography. His acquirements as an investigator of Egyptian his- tory and hieroglyphics are also widely known. For about a year Dr. Browne enjoyed a small pensi al from Government. On the 15th inst., at Elsted Rectory. Sussex, in his 31st year, the Rev. Wruum HENRY CLINTON CHESTER, Rector of Elated.

On the 18th inst., in King's Bench Walk, Temple, Cotra Maximum, Esq., Banis- ter-at-law.

On the 14th inst., at Claydon Rectory, in his 67th year, the Rev. THOMAS Wanner. On the 14th inst., at Longside, DAVID Riccurr, eldest son of Sir Robert D. H. El- phinstone, Bart., of Logie Elphinstone. On the 20th inst., at Clapham Common, RICHARD WALTER, youngest son of the late Sir Walter Sy-nnot, of Ballymoyer. county of Armagh. On the 1st inst., at Malta, Mr. CHARLES Cirrrorr Kum, of her Majesty's ship Princess Charlotte, in his 17th year, son of the late Admiral Sir Richard King, Bart. On the 16th inst.. in his 77th year, FREDERICK REYNOLDS, Esq.. the author of seven- teen successful comedies.

At Twickenham, HENRY HAWKINS, Esq , in his 80th year. On the 15th inst., at Sonning, uear Reading. in her 81st year, JANE, Relict of the late John Wightwick Knightley, Esq., of Offehurch Bury, Warwickshire.

32 yarnethe.15th inst., in Castlegate. in the city of York. JOHN CLARIDGE, Esq., in his s

On the 18th inst., at West Lodge, Clapham Common, JOHN NIXON, Esq., in his 83d year. On the 21st inst., in Keppel Street, Russell Square, in his 83d year, the Rev. RICHARD EDWARDS, A.M., late Sur-Master of St. Paul's School.

On the 15th inst.. in his 86th year, JOHN KYNASTON, Esq.. Poole, Dorsetshire.

On the 21st inst., at Lion's Down. Herts. ANDREW Roo, Esq., in his 91st year.

On the 17th inst., at Barnes. in her 92,1 year, Mr. FOUNTAINE, Widow of the late

Rev. Thomas Fountaine, formerly Prebendary of Worcester.

On the 23d inst., aged two years. EDWARD, son of Mr. M. W. Balfe. On the 17th inst., at New Haman Street, in her 22d year. ELIZA. the Wife of

Richard Kirk Penson, of Oswestry.