24 APRIL 1841, page 10

The Newest Of The Many Fallacious Reports About The...

is that. it has actually been heard of at Bermuda. A letter was received last night, by Mr. Green, a merchant of London, from his brother at Bris- tol; on the outside of which......

The Lord Chancellor Has Been Indisposed This Week ; So

much so, that he was absent one day from his court. He is now better ; and last evening his Lordship and Lady Cottenham gave a grand ball and assembly, in Bruton Street :......


On Wednesday, Prince Albert inspected the Sixtieth Regiment of Rifles, in the Home Park at Windsor. Before quitting the ground, he expressed his satisfaction at the discipline......

According To The Courier Of This Evening, It Is Reported

in the City, that the shareholders of the British Iron Company, of which Mr. Lae- pent, the candidate for Nottingham, is chairman, are about to stare Major Richardson as a......

Money Market.

STOCK EXCITANGIC, FRIDAT AYTtaff0011. The business of the week has not been extensive, neither have the fluctua- tions of the English Funds been considerable. The Money-market......

The Same Party Of Members Of The House Of Commons

that met on the 20th of February at the Thatched House Tavern, to consult upon the revision of the Tariff, assembled again today at the same place, to the number of about forty.......

The Times Of This Morning Concludes An Articles On The

subject of Lord Cardigan's recent exhibition at Hounslow, and the rebuke con- veyed to him in the General Order from the Horse Guards, with a recommendation of Parliamentary......

Commodore Napier Was Entertained At Manchester, On...

he had been at LiverpooL His speech at the splendid dinner' which the Corporation gave him in the Town-hall was generally a re- petition of the Monday's speech ; but it contains......

Old Water-colour Society.

The private view of this most delightful exhibition, today, was a coni plete jam of artists and amateurs; Sir Roamer PEEL being the most distinguished among the latter. From the......


SATURDAY NIGHT. The House of Commons last night went into Committee on the bill for transferring the Equity business of the Court of Exchequer to the Court of Chancery. On the......