The precise position of the French President in relation to
the great Liberal and Despotic parties which divide Europe, is clearly indicated by a correspondence of the three North-eastern Courts which has this week been brought to light. Even before the coup d'etat ofDecember was struck, the President had been sounding those courts with a view to ascertain what countenance or support they were likely to afford him in any attempt to make himself here- ditary sovereign of France. His overtures have been renewed with increased urgency since that event, and their reception by the " Legitimate " Sovereigns is now public. The services rendered by M. Bonaparte to the cause of Despotism are gratefully acknow- ledged, but the price he asks for them is thought too high. To re- ward him for crushing the liberties of France, the Despotic Monarchs are willing to favour his retention of arbitrary power in that coun-
try for the term of his natural life ; but his aspiring to be enrolled in the fraternity of M by Divine right and hereditary sae- cession is not patio • " They place a barren sceptre in His hand, thence to be wren by an unlineal grasp." He must lie satisfied to act as warigalig-pan. to keep the royal, beds. airetitim a final Restoration. This is the ultimatum of Russia and Prussia ; and now that Prince Schwarzenberg is gone, it will no doubt be that of Austria also. The low-born abettor of tyranny is to be taught to know his proper place ; but, though despised and in- sulted, he is to receive the material reward of his treachery.- Though thus snubbed by his great protectors abroad, the Presi- dent may console himself by his absolute sway at home. Be-will not, perhaps, be allowed to have everything his own way. M. de Montalembert in the Academy and M. Girardin in the press may wage a literary " fiende " against him, the more teasing, that to put it down peremptorily might perhaps increase its importance. Dr. -Wren and others of his tools may mutiny in a small way -when their self-importance is not sufficiently flattered. Incendiary fires in the forests of the state may remind him that the discom- fort and discontent of the proletarial class are not to be extinguished by mere fine phrases, bayonets, and police spies. But, with a gleam of reviving commercial prosperity, ephemeral and unsub- stantial though it may be, the proprietary class will remain pas- sive ; and the army and police will do his bidding.