24 APRIL 1852, page 14

Mercy In Case Of Doubt.

THREE weeks since, at Bodmin Assizes, William Hamlyn Pascoe, a licentiate of the Society of Apothecaries of twenty-nine years' standing, and practising at Cubert in Cornwall,......

Mfrs To Flit Mar.

THE PAPIST COMMISSION TO THE IRISH BRIGADE. Dublin, 20th April 1852. Sm.—Will you permit me to say a few words in confirmation of your courageous counsels in reference to the......

The Unknown Ships.

SLownv drifting down from the frozen seas of the North, to lose themselves in the waters towards the Equator, annually come vast herds of icy rocks; crags that would be immortal......

The Derby Diggins.

DERBY has been digging, and has digged up a treasure that as- tounds himself. California and Australia, he cries, have asto- nished the world with their gold, " hitherto......