24 APRIL 1852, Page 10



The English Fends during the early part of the week exhibited a strong tendency to reaction, which continued for several days ; caused by rather considerable sales on the part of the public. This has generally been the

case when Consols have reached par, particularly when they have not attain- ed that altitude for some years ; as it offers a tempting price to realize for joint-stock companies, and other parties who have purchased at much lower rates. The consequence has been a decline of Jl percent. The Funds, which per- sented a dull appearance at the close of last week from the above cause, opened on Monday without alteration ; when, in consequence of a supply of Stock, they declined 1 on that and the following day. On Wednesday a pre- ponderance of sales caused a further decline of t ; but a rally to the same extent occurred before the termination of business' owing to an impression that the reduction in the Bank rate of discount, from 21 to 2 per cent, an long anticipated, and at length realised on Thursday, would possibly take place. Yesterday the Market opened a shade lower ; but an improvement of subsequently occurred when the result of the Bank meeting became known. Today the Market opened 1 higher ; which was maintained up to the close. The last quotations were 94 to 991. Bank Stock has risen 1 per cent this week.

The Foreign Market has been influenced by the position of Consols, and also from sales in connexion with the recent advance. There was no ma- terial alteration in their value on Monday ; but on Tuesday and Wednesday business was generally transacted at a decline; and yesterday, after the favourable reaction in the English Funds, there was a very trifling response. A decrease in value has taken place in the following Stocks, compared with last week—Brazilian, Peruvian, and Buenos Ayres, 1 per cent; Portuguese, Russian, Spanish Three per Cents, Sardinian, and Mexican, 1' Dutch Two-and-a-half per Cents, and Equador, 1. The fall in the latter stock was owing to the anticipation of a fresh revolution, in consequence of the Flores' expedition to Guayaquil. Beyond the facts above stated, both the English and Foreign Markets have been free from exciting causes as far as news is concerned.

In the Share Market, Railway lines have been subject to several varia-

tion_ ,s varia-

tions' but upon the whole, are ultimately about the value of last week. Monday onday there was a slight improvement, which was not maintained. Qn Tuesday, a fall of 68. to 11. occurred in the leading Shares; succeeded by ftirther depression on Wednesday, which they recovered at the end of the day. On Thursday there was a dull market, until the Bank reduction is the rate of discount was known ; when a rally of 11. occurred in the princi- pal lines, and their value has been increased today by . an improvement of from Sr. to 1/. Foreign Shares have also fluctuated in price during the week. Orleans and Bordeaux are 55., Central of France 108., and Pans and Rouen 145s. better ; Rouen and Havre 6s., Northern of France 78. fid., Paris and Strasburg 12e. eel., and Paris and Lyons 15s. lower. Yesterday, the Committee upon the South-eastern and the Reading, quildford, and Reigate Railways, passed the preamble of this bill for the amalgamation or merging of the Reading, Guildford, and Reigate Railway With the South-eastern. The Committee on the East Anglian Railway yes- terday passed the preamble of this bill for new lines and deviations at-Hun- tingdon, St. Ives, Wisbeach, Lynn, and East Dereham, with powers to use certain lines and works of the Eastern Counties and Norfolk Railways.

SATURDAY TWILVIC O'CLOCK. TII the English Stock Market the Government Securities continue at the

quotation of i yesterday, with nothing doing ,• Consols for Money 991 f, for Aeeount 991. There s no change in Foreign Stocks; the prices are nominal. In the Share Market, Railway lines are steady. Great Western have been done at 92t, and York and North Midland at 261.

SATURDAY Two o'Cinow.

In the English Market the only alteration is in Consols for the Account, vilich are now quoted at 991 fn Foreign Stocks there has been nothing doing all day, and there is no alteration in the quotations.

In Shares, less business has been transacted today in Railway lines, and the prices are a shade lower—Bristol and Exeter, 981 ; Caledonian, 2 ; Eastern Counties, 91 ; East Lancashire, 171 ' • Edinburgh and Glasgow, 33. ; Great Northern, 201 ; Great Western, 921 ; Lancashire and Yorkshire, 7 ; tendon and Worth-western, 124 ; London and South-western, 921 ; Mi - land, ; South-eastern, 24; York, Newcastle, and Berwick, 19; York and North Midland, 24 ; lloulogne and Amiens, 131; Namur and Liege, 6/ ; Paris and Rouen, 311; Rouen and Havre, 111; Tours and Nantes, 111.

5 per Cent consols

Dit:o for Account

3 per Cent Reduced 31 per Cents

Long Annuities

Bank Stock Exchequer Bills India Stock Brazilian 5 per Cents Belgian 41 per Cents Chilian 6 per Cents Danish 5 per Cents

Ditto 3 per Cents


98 I 1 100 6} 13-16 2191 201 71 74 285 8 98 100 96 98

102 a 103 5 78 80 Dutch 21 per Cents Ditto 4 per Cents

Mexican S per Cents 1846 ..,

Peruvian 8 per Cents Portuguese 4 per Cents 1842 Ditto 5 per Cents 1824 Russian 5 per Cents

Ditto 44 per Cents

Spanish (Active) 5 per Cents

Ditto 3 per Cents 1842 Ditto Deferred S pe Cents 18.11

Sardinian Bans

63141 93 4i 5 104 6 ga g 98 100 114 16 1031 4

--_ 47i 8 21i t 97 ti BANK 01, sivOLearD.

An Account, pursuant to the Actth 7th and day of April 1.

mos DE1111111/SIT.

Noise issued


Government Debt


Other Securities 2,984.40

Gold Coin and Bullion 113,046,45

Silver Bullion 31.376



as? ta1,080,270


£14,553,000 Government Seenritite


Rest 3,094,923

cluding Dead WelsiatAnaidtpl E13,345,779

Public Deposita' 3,265,285 Other Securities 11,086231 Other Deposits 13,906,918 Notes 11,021.320 Seven Day and otherBilis 1,160,306 Gold and Silver Coin 480,091 £35086,432 £35,986,432 • Including Exchequer, Savings-Banks. Commissioners of National Debt, & Dividend art%