24 APRIL 1852, Page 18



A Journey to the Tea &miseries of ,China, including Bung-le and the Bohea HUM; with a short Notice of the East India Company's Tea Plantations in the Himalaya Mountains. By Robert Fortune, Author of "Three Years' Wanderings in China." With Map and Illustrations.

The Wanderer in Syria. By George William Curtis, Author of "Nile Notes."

A Residence in Algeria. By Madame Prue.

Five Years' Residents in the West Indies. By Charles William Day, Esq, Author of "Hints on Etiquette." In two volumes.

Notes on Public Subjects made during a Tour in the United States and in Canada. By Hugh Seymour Tremenheere.

[This volume contains remarks on a variety of subjects suggested to the writer during an American and 'Canadian -tour. The papers partake of the diameter of the official report or memoir, and deal more with statistics, ren- ame, and opinions, than with living facts, or personal experiences of travel, though such are occasionally to be found. Among Mr. Tremenheere' Ame- rican subjects is the water supply of towns ; in which the cities of the United States have decidedly the advantage over this country, both in quantity and cheapness. Another is the American press ; whose viru- 'lance against England the author attributes to ignorance, and he sus- poets that the influence of the press is greater on the mass of the peo- ple than the aristocracy of America supposes. An article on railways involves an inquiry as to how far the completion of the lines now planned will affect the price of wheat in this country, by diminishing the cost cd transport, and opening up new fields of produce. Mr. Tremerdmere MOMS to think, in opposition to Mr. Johnson, that the result of this will be increased supplies at a reduced price.; but we doubt whether he allows 'enough for the growing American demand. The .notes on Canada are brief, and more various in subject than those onAmericas they give a glow- ing. picture of the ootuitry, and strongly recommend it as a field for a su- perior class of emigrants. The volume is a fair and well-written series of &scums'ons upon many important practical subjects.]

A Copious and 'Critical Latin-English Lexicon, founded on the larger Latin-German Lexicon of Dr. William Freund.; with additions and corrections from the Lexicons of Gesner, Yacciolati, Scheller, Georges, &c. By E. A. Andrews, LL.D.

[The great Latin Dictionary of Freund consists of four large volumes, -pub- lished at intervals from 1834-to 1"845: in the latter year the author pro- oinced a smaller edition for schools in two volumes. The object of the Ame- rican editor (for the work before us appears to have been originally published in America) was to compress the useful parts of Freund into a single volume. This has been chiefly accomplished by retrenching the exemplar citations, -omitting " clauses which have no necessary connexion with the special pur- pose for which the passage is quoted." Freund, however, has not been im- plicitly copied : additions have been made to what the editor supposes to have been accidental omissions, and minor improvements introduced.

An elaborate fulness and completeness, while everything is quite clear, are the characteristics of this work ; rendering it the best Latin Dictionary we have met with for the scholar or advanced student. The origin of the word, with its general, particular, and successive modifications of meaning, is distinctly shown : the period of its use, its single or frequent occurrence, the authors who have used it with reference to every passage, and nume- rous philological features relating to it, are pointed out and illustrated by copious examples, even in their retrenched state.; the great object of a lexicon, the meaning, the age, and the authority of a word, being steadily 'kept in view. Prom the care with which proper or special names are in- serted, the book serves in some degree as a mythological, geographical, and technical dictionary. A quotation from a -work of reference is little more conclusive as to its general utility than the brick which the pedant carried about as a specimen of his house : still, the brick, if ornamented, would give some notion of the style of ornament ; and the first paragraph of a single word may furnish an idea of the mode of treatment. We take obiter.

..15s-ITT.s., ado. On the way, in going or passing along (except in Laberius, •not ante-Aug.; cf. Charis. p. 187 P. Augustus found fault with Tiberius for using per vim instead of obiter, Chaffs. 1. 1.) : I. Ltt.: obiter leget nut scribet, on the soap. inv. 8, 241: Totae, quas aqua Tenet .obiter et molat, as it flows along. ilia 18, 10, 23; cf. id. 33, 4, 21 ; id. 29, 3, 11, I 48; id. 11, 37, 55:1

A Guide to English Composition; or one hundred and twenty Subjects Analyzed, and Illustrated from analogy, history and the writings of celebrated ancient and modern authors, &c. By the Reverend Dr. Brewer, Trinity Hall, Cambridge. to series of subjects for themes, which the pupil is to fill up and complete. The subjects are arranged in four divisions ; in the first of which an " intro- eluotion," the " reasons' or heads of arguments to enforce the proposition of the theme, with similes, historical illustrations, and quotations to be used up, are furnished to the pupil. These gradually diminish in fulnees, till at last he is pretty well left to go alone. Whether this routine practice on ab- stract propositions, towards which the pupil can feel little interest, will im- rove him so well as themes drawn from his course of reading, or passing *occurrences within his own experience, is a matter to be settled by the indi- vidual teacher.] Democritus in London, with the Mad Pranks and Comical Conceits of Motley and Robin Good-Fellow ; to which are added Notes Pestivous, &c.

EA 'entire in verse, touching upon a variety of present topics ; the openingg of 4, he Royal Exchange furnishing the theme, and the City magnates Tigurirag prominently in the piece. The form of the satire resembles that of the old *moral plays, which followed the religious mysteries and preceded the regular Elizabethan drama : the conduct of the story, such as it is, as well as the style, belong to a manner that is but of fashion. There are a profusion of notes de omnibus rebus, which, like the text, display reading and ability, toisapplied. The whole wants weight and purpose, and the length is out of all proportion to the matter.]

The Future Human Kingdom of Christ ; or Man's Heaven to be this . Earth. A Solution of the Calvinistic and other chief Difficulties in Theology by distinguishing the Saved Nations from the Glorified Saints. By the Reverend D. I. Heath, M.A. [The subjects of this volume are not of a kind adapted to newspaper dis- cussion. The literal as opposed to the figurative interpretation of certain texts of Scripture respecting the human character of Christ and the Millen-

Mum are some of Mr. Heath's Scriptural to : the nature of Christ's ,earthly kingdom, the question of a limited salvation for all who follow the Ights of nature, and the beatitude of the advanced Christian, are subjects

• his speculation.] "The Poor Ye have Always with Ye." By the Author of " Fortune- seeking in the Capital." From the French.

to ofef the poor in France, done after the fashion of similar sketches au d, but with more liveliness of manner. The pictures are inter-

Mangled with defensive remarks against the attacks upon the vices of the poor, followed by exhortations to the rich to give sympathy and counsel as

well as money to the poor, and not to fancy they discharge their duty by -delegating their charity to some subscription society with its committee and paid idioms.]

Alaseor ; or the New Ptolemy.

[Philosophic dialogues, scholastic in style, startling in propositions. One object of the writer is to show that the so-called exact sciences are not at all exact ; another is to supersede gravitation by magnetism, to " resolve those -vague formulae—attraction of gravitation and attraction of cohesion—into this single law of magnetic force. ']

The _Principles of the High Court of Chancery, and the Powers and .Duties of its Judges ; designed as the Student's First Book on Equity Jurisprudence. By Thomas A. Roberts, Esq., of the Middle Temple, Barrister-at-law.

[A compilation, designed to furnish the young student with an introductory coup d'ceil of the powers, principles, jurisdiction, and practices of the Court of Chancery. The arrangement is clear, and well adapted to impress the subject upon the mind ; the exposition is brief; the style is somewhat con- ventionaL] The Acts for Promoting the Public Health, 1848 to 1851 ; to which is added the Practice of the General and Local Boards of Health, with copious Notes and Tables. By Cuthbert W. Johnson, Esq., Barrister- at-law.

[A very useful edition of an important act, whose importance is daily im- pressing itself more on the public mind. To a well-printed text Mr. Cuth- bert Johnson has appended clear and sensible notes, the result of his own ex- perience and observation in the working of the act. He has also added a variety of papers on sanitary subjects in an appendix.] The Absconding Debtors Arrest Act, 1851, (14 and 15 Victoria, Cap. 52) ; with Notes and an Appendix, &c. By Robert Malcolm Kerr, Advocate and Barrister-at-law.

[An analytical précis of the statute, with elementary commentary and notes, followed by the act itself, and various forms.] Parliamentary Manual for the Year 1862 ; containing the Present and Last Parliaments, &c. Also a List of the Changes in Administration, from the commencement of the present century, &c.

(This appears to be a species of annual, though we have no recollection of having seen it before ; and it would seem to have been published some time ago, since it does not embrace the late change of Ministry. It is a useful book ; containing a full view of the existing House of Commons and constituencies, with some previous Parliamentary facts, lists of the Ministers and Great Officers of State for some time back, and a digest of Parliamentary law.]

Webster's Royal Red Book. For April 1852. [Constant as the season comes Webster's Court Guide, with its changes brought down to the latest period, even while the work is paasing through the press.]

The Illustrated London Cookery Book; containing upwards of fifteen hundred 'first-rate Receipts, &c. with useful Hints on Domestic Eco- nomy. By Frederick Bishop. Illustrated with Engravings on Wood. [A very large collection of receipts for dressing or making dishes to tempt the appetite, followed by bills of fare, and .preceded by various directions for the arrangement and furnishinse of the kitchen, the choice of meats, &c., with hints on carving. The book is addressed to the middle classes, among whom economy is an object. English cookery predominates more than French : the 'method is based upon that of the celebrated Mrs. Randall ; in fact, The Illustrated London Cookery Book is a sort of modernized Mrs. Rundall.]

Guy's New Speaker, &c. By Joseph Guy junior. [The chief feature is the arrangement of all the extracts from each author under one head. A portion of the book consists of extraots from contem- porary writers,- but the greater part is taken from classical authors, the youngest of whom has nearly reached his century.] Two of the new editions may possibly require recurring to: the revised and enlarged reprint:of Sir William Hamilton's articles from the Edinburgh Review, with additional matter; and the collected Poems of the well-known Delta of Blackwood's Magazine, preceded by a biography of the poet. Of the others, the demand for a second edition of "Visiting my Relations," in so short a time, speaks conclusively as to the merit which we assigned to the

book on its first appearance. The fourteenth edition of the late Dr. Combos'most celebrated work, the "Physiology applied to Health and Education,"

has been enlarged by his nephew, Dr. Core, at the request of the author, by incorporating Dr. Combe's own corrections, and by additional matter re- lating to the discoveries in respiration and the nervous system. These last the author intended to have made himself, but health and strength failed him.

.Disnissions on Philosophy and Literature, Education and University Reform. Chiefly from the Edinburgh Review ; corrected, vindicated, enlarged, in Notes and Appendices. By Sir William Hamilton, Bart. The Poetical Works of David Macbeth Moir, A. Edited by Thomas Aird. With a Memoir of the Author. In two volumes.

Visiting my Relations, and its Results; a Series of small Episodes in the Life of a Recluse. Second edition.

The Principles of Physiology applied to the Preservation of Health, and to the Improvement of Physical and Mental Education. By Andrew Combs, M.D. Fourteenth edition, revised and enlarged. Edited by James Core M.D., &c. The Artillerist's Manual, and British Soldier's Compendium. By Cap- tain F. A. Griffiths, R.F.P., Royal Artillery. Fifth edition. (Pub- lished by Authority.) The Bible and the Working Classes : being a Series of Lectures de- livered to the Working Classes of Bradford, Yorkshire, in 1851. By Alexander Wallace, Edinburgh. Second thousand. The Anabasis of Xenophon; with English Notes, Critical and Expla- natory. By Charles Anthon, &c. A new edition, revised and corrected by Dr. John Doran. • Carpenter's Arithmetic. New edition, corrected and enlarged by W. Rutherford, LL.D., &o. Mars.

A Summary of the Population, with a Statistical Chart of Marriages, Births, and Deaths, from the Year 1839 to the Present Time, by Superintendents in the Registrar-General's Districts of London. By Charles A. Cooke.

A Summary of the Population, &o. for England and Wales. [These coloured charts will be found useful for reference. The scale of mini- beta, with increase or diminution, is indicated by length of line and change of colour ; a method by which not only is the eye caught far more readily than by an array of ciphers, but which, by acting on the sight, is probably more likely to impress the memory with the facts indicated. A good deal of information is also supplied in the marginal letterpress)

Map of the Scene of the Present War in Kapiand.


The Hay Family. The Oiiginal Picture exists in the National Gillery. Painted. by Esteban Murillo, about 1660. Engraved by A. Bridoux. ttf popularity of original argues popularity of copy, this print from the mud-

praised hurlDo of the National Gallery will not want success. It is a line- engraving on copper, 28 inches high by 20} wide; and the character of the figures. as well as the painter's characteristics in point of style, have been faithfully preserved : a matter of some difficulty, considering the positive quality of contour and texture in line-engraving and the vanishing outlines of Murillo. We are mistaken if the print is not a Parisian importation ; the appearance of its having already seen some service being combined with in- ternal evidence of alien origin.] PAxmorrs.

The Law, Constitution, and _Reform of Convocation. Miss Salon and the Sisters of ifercy, &c. By DianaA. G. Campbell, a Novice lately seceded. National Defences. By Montague Gore, Esq. Loss of the Amazon, &c. By a Clergymen. ' Letter to Thomas Baring, EN., on the Effects o, 'the Califor- nian and Australian Gold Discoveries. By Frederick Scheer.

Correspondence with Bight Honourable Lord John _Russell, and with Right Honourable Earl Derby, relative to the Gold in Australia, &c. By Frederick Samson Thomas. Second edition.

Ships, Colonies, and Commerce, &c. By Philopatris. The Crystal Palace, and Crystal Palaces, &c. By Beta. The Crystal Palace. Report of the Meeting at Mr. (Riviera's, 29th March 1852.

On Legislative Expression; or the Language of the Written Law. By George Coode, of the Inner Temple, Barrister-at-law. Second edition. On the Past and Present State of Intramural Burying-Places; with Practical Suggestions for the establishment of National Extramural Cemeteries. Second edition. By George Alfred Walker, Surgeon.