One of the main attractions of colonies for the emigrant
is, that in them he may find the same laws and social customs with which he has been familiar in his native land. Settlements even of nu- merous bodies of emigrants in foreign slates cannot afford him this comfort. This ought to be borne in mind by all to whom the agents now recruiting for some projected settlement of German and English emigrants in Andalusia may address themselves. A company is projected—and its preliminary puffs are busily circu- lated—with a view to settle the Crown wastes of Spain with British and German emigrants.. Crimps are organizing themselves to lure to the moat unsettled and lawless country of Europe—to the country least tolerant of foreign modes of thought and action— our industrious but inadequately employed agricultural labourers and artisans. The culpable neglect of regular colonization by our Government, and the intermitting inadequate support it has re- ceived from the public at large, have left a free field for these visionary or interested projectors. It is easier to regret this ne- glect and apathy than to counteract it ; but this is only reason the more for putting Englishmen on their guard against the delusive promises held out to them in other quarters. The present Spanish Government is as vacillating and faithless as that which nearly a century ago projected a similar colonization of the Crown wastes in the Sierra Morena. Not one of the promises made to the German colonists of that- day was kept. Their descendants are only to be recognized by the Northern features and complexion- occasionally met with in individuals : when their lineage can be traced they are generally found to stand on a lower level of intelli- gene° and worldly prosperity than the old Spaniards, or even those in whose veins an admixture of MoorThh blood flows.