24 APRIL 1852, Page 20


Tuesday, April 20.

- PARTNERSHIPS DI590LVED.-Wilkinson and Son, Stockport, cotton-spinners- Halseys, East Budleigh, Devonshire, linen-drapers-Speechlv and Asling, Spalding, -chemists-Peters and Purees, Balsal Heath, Worcester, railway-contractors-C. W. and F. Shand, Liverpool, merchants; as far as regards A. and S. W. Shand-Daniels and Haddebiey, Hull, auctioneers-Brown and Nottle, Sunderland, ship-brokers- -J. and .1. M'Queen, Southampton, drapers-Galloway and Brown, Newcastle-upon- Tyne, flour-dealers-Lewis, Brothers, Regent Street-Hesketh and Co. Leadenhall Street, oilmen; as far as regards H. 8. Davis-Warner and Armstrong, Upper North Place, Gray's Inn Road, gas-meter-manufacturers-Whaley and Co. Bradford, Yorkshire, plumbers ; as far as regards J. Stead-Fletcher and Lockett, Longnor, Staffordshire, linen-drapers-Smith and Beswick, Liverpool, sail-makers-Bernard and Lcveson, Manchester, importers of foreign goods-Haigh, Collinge, and Co. and Haigh, Green, and Co. Portsmouth, Lancashire, cotton-spinners; as far as re- gards .1. Barrowclough-Daniel and Buckle, Manchester, manufacturers-Powell and Warburton, Warrington, grocers-Crabtree and France, Gomersal, dyers-Moss and Ilatton, Featherstone Street, St. Luke's, linen-drapers-Harrison and Hard- castle, East Cheap, colonial-agents-Peverelle and Skidmore, Birmingham, dealers

• in London goods -Scaffe and Sons, Barton, Yorkshire, tailors; as far as regards G. ficaffe -How and Co. Moorgate Street, commission-agents; as far as regards G. T. -Barnes and J. How jun.

BANKRUPTCY ANNULLED.-HENRY COOKE, Leamington Priors, hatter. BANKRUPTS.-WILLIAM JOHN DARKE and JAMES PORTER, Hayfield Street, Mile- end Road, carpenters, to surrender May 4, 31 : solicitors, Surr and Gribble, -Lombard Street ; official assignee, Edwards, Sambrook Court-Enmenn Sex-moue and GEORGE FARRANCE, Chancery Lane. booksellers, April 30, iltine-4: solicitors, Tilson and Co. Coleman Street; official assignee, Cannan, AldermMibury-Joinz :Dawson, Tolleshunt Darcy. Essex, surgeon, April 30, June 4: solicitor, Abell, Romney Terrace, Horseferry Road, and Colchester; official assignee, Nicholson, :Basinghall Street--Wituan HODGE, Great Marlborough Street, manufacturing sta- tioner, May 5, June 8: solicitors, Linklaters, Sise Lane; official assignee, Stansfeld- Joni; HINTS WATKINS, Woolwich, grocer, April 29, May 27: solicitor, Bathe, Ame- rica Square; official assignee, Bell-PATRICK BEIRNS, Liverpool, tailor, May 4, June 2: solicitor, Yates jun. Liverpool; official assignee, Cazenove, Liverpool-MARY i • FOURACRE, Wigan, innkeeper, May 1, 27: solicitor, Price, Wigan ; official assignee, Mackenzie, Manchester. DIVIDENDS.-May 14, Hinsdale, Oxford Street, saddler-May 14, Piper, Lawrence Lane, stay-maker-May 13, Foster, Great Bolton, confectioner-May 12, Anderson, Wellington. Shropshire, mercer. Czaviricsar.s.-7b be granted, unless cause be shown to the contratv, on the day of meeting.-May 12, Haines, Northampton, grocer-May 12, R. and B. Biting, Read- ing, brick-makers-May 14, Johnson, York Buildings, Adelphi, coal-merchant- May 15, Dean, Brighton, clothier-May 13, Hopkinson, Liverpool, coach-builder- May 11, Yates, Prescot, builder-May 12, J. and J. Heywood, Liverpool, provision- dealers-June 2, Wells, Brigg, Lincolnshire, draper-May 13, Hayling, Hereford, grocer-May 12, Clark, Willenhall, Staffordshire, bolt-manufacturer-May 13, James, Netherton, Worcestershire, tailor.

DECLARATIONS or DIVIDENDS.-French, Broad Street, merchant ; second div. of Is. 51d. on the separate estate, on Thursday next, and three following Thursdays ; Graham, Coleman Street-Small, Folkstone, tailor; first div. of Os. 44. on Thursday next, and three following Thursdays; Graham, Coleman Street-Selby, Burleigh Street, wine-merchant; second div. of 6d. on Thursday next, and three following Thursdays ; Graham, Coleman Street-Barlow, Stepney Green. iron-merchant ; second div. of Is. Id. on Thursday next, and three following Thursdays; Graham, Coleman Street-Wilkinson and Bentley, tailors ; div. of 6d. on the separate estate of E. Wilkinson, April 21, or any subsequent Wednesday ; Morgan, Liverpool- Reel, Liverpool, coffee-housekeeper; div. of 8s. April 21, or any subsequent Wed- nesday; Morgan, Liverpool-Wilkinson, Birkenhead, builder ; div. of Is. 2d. April .21, or any subsequent Wednesday; Morgan, Liverpool-Kaye, Bridge Row Wharf, Pimlico, coal-merchant; second div. of 4-id. any Wednesday ; Whitmore, Basinghall Street-Dixon, Leeds, draper; div. of 5s. lid. (on account of first div. of 118.) any Wednesday ; Whitmore, Basinghall Street.

Friday, April 23.

PARTNERSHIPS Dissztvxn.-Lister and Co. Birkenhead, engineers; as far as re- gards J. Lister-DPNaughtan and Co. Manchester, calico-printers; as far as regards S. Potter-I. and A. Town, Goosnaigh, Lancashire, innkeepers-Roberts and Thomas, .0swestry, attornies-Siddeley and Co. Liierpool, brass-founders-Cross and Makin- son, Manchester, joiners-Greenhalgli and Kenyon, Manchester, calico-printers- Rhodes and Thorns, Wakefield, joiners-Barlow and Son, Leeds, hatters-Leonard and Co. Bristol, ironmongers ; as far as regards R. Leonard-Hammond and Co. Mitcham Common, gelatine-manufacturers-Moorhouse Brothers, Penistone, York- shire, cloth-manufacturers-J. and J. Ineson, Norwich, rag-merchants-Bruce and Why, Leicester, manufacturers of hosiery-J. J. and G. 0. Barrett, Albert Place, City Road, pastrycooks. BANKRUPTCIES ANNULLEIL-CHRISTOPHER JOSEPH KNAPPINO, Eastwood, Essex, cattle-dealer-Iluorc CLARK, Bank Chambers, stock-broker. • Baszernorrs.-HENRY LAMPLOUOH, Snow Hill, chemist, to surrender May 1, June 4: solicitors, Langley and Gibbon, Great James Street ; official assignee, Cannan, Alderinanbury-Josh Gamma LACY, Great St. Helen's, gun-manufacturer, May I, June 12: solicitors, Reed and Co. Friday"Street ; official assignee, Pennell, Guild- hall Chambers-James Laing, Southampton, coal-merchant, May 4, June 8 : solici- tors, Merle, Southampton Buildings; Philipson, Newcastle-upon-Tyne ; official as- signee, Graham-WILLIAM LODE; Wokingham, innkeeper, MayJune 8 : soli- citor, Soames, Old Broad Street ; official assignee, Groom, Abchurch Lane- Tuones Wxuar, Burslem,joiner, May 5, 27: solicitors, Smith, Shelton, Staf- fordshire; Mottram and Co. Birmingham ; official assignee, Christie, Birmingham- JouR MEEK, Wolverhampton, victualler, May 3, 24: solicitors, Kitson, Wolverhamp- ton; Mottram and Co. Birmingham; official assignee-, Bittleston, Birmingham- RICHARD Wilson TODD and RICHARD HOBBS, Bath, ironmongers, May 6, June 3: solicitor, Hellings, Bath; official assignee. Miller, Bristol-Euzanurn ANN TAN- nett, Bath, innkeeper, May 7, June 2: solicitor, Ratings, Bath ; official assignee, Hutton, Bristol-MARY FOUILACRE, Wigan, innkeeper, and colliery-proprietor, May 1, 27: solicitor, Price, Wigan ; official assignee, Mackenzie, Manchester-Taoaas Picsace and WILLIAM THACKRAY, Sunderland, iimber-merchants, May 11, June 10: solicitors, Moores, Bishopwearmouth; official assignee, Wakley, Newcastle-upoq- Tyne-HENRY BATHS and HENRY Witt-mason, Warley, Halifax, brewers, May 24: solicitors, Wavell and Co. Halifax; official assignee, Hope. Leeds- DIVIDENDIL-May 14, Burls, Hampstead Road, brewer-May 7, Gedge, Leicester Square, linen-draper-May 14, H. and R. Pinhoro, Southampton, tailors-May 14, arren, Ardleigh, Essex, miller-May 14, Jones, Strand, woollen-draper-May 15, Dean, Brighton. clothier-May 15, Denman, Cheam, carpenter-May 20, Titcomb, Highgate, butcher-May 18, Jones, Wrockwardine, Shropshire, apothecary-May 15, Chew, Manchester, stuff-manufacturer-May 14, Taylor, Dunstan, Durham, Ep- som salts manufacturer. Critriricarsa.-2b be granted, unless cause be shown to the contrary, on the day of meeting.-May 14, Harding, Acton, miller-May 14, Freeman, Northampton, inn- keeper-May 14, Burls, Hampstead Road, brewer-May 14, Norris, 'Watford, grocer -May 20, Titcomb, Highgate, butcher-May 14, Bennett and Booth, Long Acre, dealers-in Scotch whisky-May 14, Sharp, Liverpool, merchant-May 18, Pritchard; Liverpool, tea-merchant-May 17, Caldwell. Shevington, Lancashire, coal-proprietor -May17, Clark and Bleackley, Chorlton-upon-Medlock, ironmongers- June 21, Wal- ker, Huddersfield. wool-stapler-May 14, Rogers, Leicester, grocer-May 14, Hoff, Holbeach, dealer in chicory-May 14, Morns, Derby, innkeeper. Deciansmons OF DIVIDF.NDS.-Nock and Williams, Frith Street, goldsmiths; first div. of Is. 6d. on the joint estate, and first div. of 4s. 14. on the separate estate of J. Williams, any Wednesday ; Whitmore. Basinghall Street-Ground, Wisbeach, draper; first div. of 85. 6d. any Wednesday; Whitmore, Basinghall Street-Dew- burst, Preston, provision-dealer; div. of 7 55-64d. any Tuesday ; Mackenzie, Man.. chester-Dixon, Morley, dyer; second div. of 44. any day; Young, Leeds-Atkin- son, Leeds, grocer; first and final div. of 28.1d. any Tuesday; Hope, Leeds -Wyon, Regent Street, engraver; first div. of Is. 9d. on Saturday next, and three subsequent Saturdays; Groom, Abchurch Lane-Johnson, Liverpool, grocer; div. of ls. 2d. any Wednesday ; Morgan, Liverpool-Thompson, Derby, woollen-draper; first div. of Is. Sid. April 23, and two subsequent Fridays; Bittleston, Nottingham.

ScoTcn Smauesrearions.-Macdonald, Kilmorie, Isle of Skye, farmer, April 30, May 28-Dalrymple, Coapar-Angus, merchapt, April 29, May 20-Miller, Dalkeith, seed-crusher, April 28, May 19-Fraser sen. Dingwall, ironmonger, April 27, May 25 -Bruce, Hamilton, gas-coal-carter, April 30. May 28.