24 APRIL 1852, Page 6


The-Solicitor-General has continued his electioneering campaign, and has made-more speeches, holding fast to all the statements of fact and principle already put forth by him. Sir Charles Wood has been down at Halifax, uniting the Liberal party there and thereabouts. At a meeting of the party, he pointed to fir Fitzroy Kelly's extraordinary line of profession; and insisted that it was most significant : for, said the late Chancellor of the Exchequer, it was not necessary to profess a very high degree of Protection to Harwich.; and if his strong Protectionism there had been distasteful to Lord Derby's Government, they had ample time to warn him before he went to the other plaoes in Suffolk : but no sort of hint seems to have been given him by them not to commit himself to opinions not their own.

An Anti-Militia movement has been got up in the Provinces, which seems to have more life and spontaneity than that in the Metropolis. Considerable meetings have been held both in the great manufacturing towns and in some of the agricultural centres—as Ipswich, Gloucester, Bath, Bridgnorth, Dorking, and Uxbridge. At Manchester, the meeting was discouraged by the Mayor ; but it would meet and pass resolutions against the measure. At Birmingham, a petition against the measure has been signed by 13,000 persons, and was still to get many more sig- natures.

Thomas Bros, Esq., M.A. of St. John's College, Cambridge, and Lk.. coin's Inn, has been appointed Recorder of the borough of Abingdon, vice H. J. Shepherd, Esq., Queen's counsel, resigned.

The .2krewcastk Tournal states that most important discoveries of first- rate iron-stone have been recently made in the odlite district near Think, amongst which are the beds known as the Cleveland and the Northamp- ton. There is a great variety of ores, the iron being found in combination with the lime and sandstone as well as the clay of the geological forma- tion.

An order has been received in this country for the construction of.thirty iron steam-boats for the use of the Danube Steam Navigation Company. They are to be of large dimensions, and of substantial materials. The order has been distributed so as to give employment in the districts, namely, Liverpool, the Clyde, and Newcastle, where it is well-known that the largest number of steam-boats have been built, and where the greatest amount of experienced men have been acquired. Messrs. Thomas Vernon and Son, whose building-yard is on the West side of the Bruns- wick Dock, have received orders for the construction of ten of these new iron steamers, which are to be completed with the greatest possible de- spatch. They will be sent out in sections, for the purpose of being put together on reaching their destination abroad. They will be large, fiat- bottomed boats, 176 feet long, 25 feet beam, and 9 feet depth of water, and so constructed that they will be able even with a very large cargo to navigate in the shallow waters of the Danube. They are being built for conveying produce and general merchandise to the Black Sea, from the interior of the country ; and, where necessary, will be towed by steam- tugs, of which the company have a large fleet.—Liverpool

We have received from Mr. Ralph Walters a bill which he has published at Gateshead, in reply to Mr. Hutt on the subject of the political charges against Mr. Hutt which were publicly made by Mr. Walters, but which the latter partly withdrew and partly refused to withdraw on receiving Mr. Hutt's explanations through his friend Captain Weatherley. The kernel of Mr. Walters's statement is contained in this extract—

"As to my veracity on the subject complained of, Captain Weatherley, the appointed friend of Mr. Hutt, will hear testimony that I freely gave him the most full satisfaction ; and that he communicated the result of his interview with me to Mr. Hutt, accompanied by a written statement, attesting the same to be all that one gentleman had a right to ask of another. This docu- ment Mr. Hutt designedly, end in the most disingenuous manner, keeps back from his printed statement . . . . It is well known by all conversant in affairs of honour, that when one gentleman places his case in the bands of a friend, he must abide by the decision of that friend ; and Captain Wea- therley assured use he was satisfied with the explanation I gave to him, and which he committed to writing."

Mr. Joseph Charlesworth, the senior Magistrate of the Holmfirth bench, died on Saturday sennight. Eldon House, where he resided, was surrounded by the flood from the Bilberry reservoir but was not swept away ; a few days after the bursting of that reservoir, Mr. Charlesworth was alarmed by the fall of some houses near him ; the insecure state of llolmstyes reservoir kept up the agitation of his mind ; and at last his previously declining health gave way. At Monmouth Assizes, Abraham Ovens and a woman named Dore were evicted of murdering their child ; the woman was recommended to mercy be the Jury. Persons interested themselves in her behalf, and the result ,.es a respite of the capital sentence till the case could be further considered. Dm had behaved in prison with great callousness; when the respite was announced to her, she exclaimed with an air of defiance, " Ah, I knew they would not hang me ; they dare not do it!" Shortly after this, perhaps fora a wish to screen her paramour, she stated that she herself drowned the child. This assertion agreeing with what the man had said in her absence, the Governor of the gaol made an attempt to get him also respited, and came to London to see the Judge who tried the case; but it was decided that the law must take its course. Ovens was hanged on Friday last. A brutal and ferocious mob, a large portion females, witnessed the ceremony, and then adjourned to the public-houses.

James Pears, the boy who shot another at Outwell Fen, was produced be- fore the Downham Magistrates on Monday. It had been expected that an elder brother would have been charged as an accessory after the fact ; but the Police deemed the talk about him as not likely to result in evidence sufficiently strong, and they did not arrest him. The evidence before the magistrates resembled that at the inquest. After he had been advised and cautioned by the Magistrates, the boy made this statement—" I did shoot inn; but I couldn't help it. I held the gun out towards him and it went off; and then I buried him, because I was afraid." He was committed on a of "'killing and slaying " ; so that he can be indicted for either minder or manslaughter.

John Mitchell, a joiner of Birmingham, went home from a public-house, quarrelled with his wife, and discharged a gun at her head ; he then re- turned to his pot-companions, and exclaimed that he had "done it!" Hs subsequently surrendered himself to the Police. The woman is not expected to recover ; she was an intemperate person.

A boy, ten years old, has drowned himself at Derby, from mortification at his mother having discovered that he stole a sixpence.

The head of a middle-aged woman has been found in the river Irwell, near Manchester. It was crammed into a reticule-basket, over which a piece of printed calico was fastened. The head had been severed from the trunk by a sharp instrument ; there was a deep incision over one eye. A surgeon is of opinion that the head has not been cut from a corpse under dissection. The Police had the river dragged in search of the body, but in vain.

While the Cardiff ship Triton was at anchor at night MT the Bill of Port- land, a Dutch vessel, low in the water, ran into her amidships with great force. The Dutchman was so shaken that she seedily sank; the master and his brother were picked up by a pilot-boat, but six or seven men pe- rished. The Triton, with some aid, managed to get into Bridport.

Two 'Oxford shopmen have perished at Sandford Lock, by the upsetting of a boat : three other men were also immersed, but persona on the spot got them out of the water alive.

The premises occupied by the Forest of Dean Bank at Ross have been de- stroyed by fire. The family of Mr. Minett, a partner in the bank, occupied the upper part of the house. The fire originated in the basement, at an early hour in the morning, and retreat by the stairs was cut off : fortunately, ladders were qniekly obtained, and all but one person was rescued a ser- vant-girl perished.