It is said that Sir Arthur Brooke M.P. is shortly to be raised to the Peerage.
The Irish divans have been holding a preliminary gathering at Belfast, to arrange for the coming there in -September of the British Association ,for the Advancement of Science.
Great progress has been 'made at cork for a National ExhibitiOn of Irish Industry there next summer, to be opened on the 10th of dune.
The Irish Attorney-General has given notice to Mr. Carton, the editor of the Dundalk Democrat, that he shall enter a none proeequi upon the proceedings commenced against Mr. Carton by the Government for sedi- tious -libel. At the same time, he intimated that the 'Government hoped this leniency would " not have the effect of emboldening" Mr, Carton "in the course of libellous writing hitherto used," "but on the contrary, that the liberty of the press would be preserved, acting on it with discre- tion and propriety for the future." Mr. Carton replied with graceless defiance : ho Was " perfectly astounded when he received the unwelcome notice of no trial" ; he does not accept it as any leniency ; and he 'will not change one particle of his policy.
The Reverend Charles H. Seymour, Provost'and Vicar of Tuam, Writes 'to Saunders's News Letter an account of 'what he declares to have been an at- tempt to burn "heretics" in their beds. A house where some of the Pro- testant Bishop'of Tuam's Protestant labourers lodged, fifteen persons residing in it, was discovered by a passer-by soon after midnight to be on fire ; he roused the inmates, and the flames were extinguished. Mr. Seymour re- ports that a lighted turf had been thrust into the thatch, and that the Ro- hn Catholic landlord of the cottage had been threatened for receiving Pre- testants as lodgers. The Magistrates were to investiete the matter.