24 APRIL 1852, Page 8


ARUNDEL. Mr. Strutt having betaken himself to Nottingham, Lord E. Howard comes forward to fill his place, at the general election. ASHBURTON. It is now said that there is "no chance of an opponent to Mr. Moffat " the Liberal Member for Dartmouth, "who will replace Colonel Matheson here."

AYLESBURY. Mr. Quintin retires ; and Captain Temple West, of the Grenadier Guards, son of Admiral Sir John West, B.C.B., is a candidate to succeed him. Captain West is a relative of the Duke of Buckingham, and is grandson to a gentleman who formerly represented the borough of Bucking- ham in Parliament.

BEVERLEY. Mr. Sergeant Channel' comes forward as a Protectionist. BRECON. Sir Charles Morgan, Bart., Protectionist, intends opposing Mr. Lloyd Vaughan Watkins, the present Free-trade Member for the borough. For the county, it is currently rumoured that Mr. Wood, son of Colonel Wood, late M.P. for Middlesex, will contest the county on Free-trade principles, in opposition to the present Protectionist Member, Mr. Joseph Bailey. CANTERBURY. Sir William Somerville will stand along with the present Member, Colonel Romilly. Mummy-Es. Mr. Moffat going to Ashburton, Sir Thomas Herbert, one of the Lords of the Admiralty, has appeared. But a meeting has resolved to invite Mr. Lindsay, who lately contested Newport. DEVIZES. Colonel Estcourt retires at the end of this session.

DURHAM. Lord Adolphus Vane has offered himself as a general supporter of Lord Derby, but as prepared to oppose strenuously any reimposition of a corn-duty. EVESHAM. Sergeant Wilkins has offered himself, in a well-written ad- dress, avowing himself for the points of Mr. Hume's Charter. GREENWICH. Mr. Peter Rolt, the great contractor, has issued his ad- dress : he supports lord Derby, but opposes reimposition of a corn-duty. HORSHAM. Lord E. Howard has announced that he shall retire.

HUDDERSFIELD. Mr. Stansfield has announced that he shall stand again. Mr. W. Willans, a Dissenting manufacturer in the borough, has, in com- pliance with a requisition which is said to be signed by nearly one-half the constituency, consented to be put in nomination. LEEDS. The requisition to Mr. M. T. Baines M.P. and Sir George Good- man has now been signed by so many electors that their return is beyond doubt ; but Mr. Beckett, the .Free-trade Conservative Member, is loth to quit. Lisiminn. Mr. John Elliot, the London brewer, opposes Mr. Crowder, as a Derbyite. MALDON. Mr. Quintin Dick, Member for Aylesbury, recurs as a candi- date to Malden, for which he sat twenty years before 1847. RADNORSHIRE BURGHS. Sir Thomas Frankland Lewis is to be opposed : the first contest here since 1780.

Souviwanos. Sir James Mackenzie, Bart., is announced as a second Conservative candidate, in conjunction with Mr. Baillie Cochrane. Trainees. Mr.Tnilawny has resigned his seat, and been down to Tavis- tock to see whether they will reelect him. Tviismoirrii. Mr. Hugh Taylor, of the London Coal Exchange, is can- vassing the town as a Protectionist.

Tons. Mr. Pashley and Mr. Henry Vincent have resolved to abide by the result of steps to be taken to ascertain the general desire of the Liberal party. Mr. Pashley is said to have the better chance of uniting all the Liberals.


EDINBURGH CITY. The joint Committee has not yet met to nominate a candidate to succeed Sir W. Gibson Craig ; and it is thought that the con- dition imposed by the public meeting of last week, that a candidate must be looked out for who not only opposes the Maynooth grant but "all religious endowments whatever," will make it impossible for the Committee to act at all. In that case each branch of the Liberals will be thrown on its own re- sources, and "it is difficult to say what may be the result." 1'En-runtime. Mr. Home Drummond announces his intended retirement ; Mr. Stirling, of Keir, has come forward to be his successor. He laments agri- cultural distress, but would not again stir the question of a corn-duty ; and he would support Government in repealing the Maynooth grant, if they find they can do that without breach of public faith. IRELAND.

DOWN Courrrit. Lord Castlereagh has again declined to be reelected, in an address kindly but strongly putting to the electors the sacrifices and heart- burnings they would have to go through if they again chose him in spite of his family. But the Northern Whig urges the constituency to persevere in its duty, and elect Lord Castlereagh and Mr. Sharman Crawford ; as his Lordship will at least take his return as a vote of confidence in himself.

DUNDALK. Mr. George Bowyer has published his address. He comes for- ward as "one of the principal writers against the Ecclesiastical Titles Bill" ; and " ventures to hope that his acquaintance both with the English law, and with the usages and customs of the Catholic Church, will be thought a qualification for the defence of that Church against the encroachments of Mi- nisters and political leaders." GALWAY COUNTY. Mr. W. H. Gregory has abandoned his intention to contest the county. - —

KERRY Cott-arm. The Tralee Clwonick says that, Mr. Morgan kit O'Connell has been corresponding with certain influential gentlemen, la, and clerical, and will not stand again. Mr. Cronin Coltsmann is txa. mously pitched upon by the Roman Catholic gentry and clergy to suedhim. YOUGHAL. It is stated now that Mr. Butt has definitively resigned his pre- tensions to represent the borough.