Elementary Lessons on Sound. By W. H. Stone. (Macmillan.)— This
class text-book really does furnish, as its preface promises, "in- formation intermediate between acoustics and music proper, supple. mentary to both." Such information is difficult of access, and is
generally to be found only in bulky treatises and in the pages of the " Transactions of Societies." Dr. Stone has presented his materials in a compact and interesting form, and has illustrated his chapters freely by many woodcuts. Throughout the volume the leading idea of showing the science of acoustics in the art of music has been kept in view. The mechanical section of the book, with its descriptions of apparatus and instruments; the theoretical section, with its formulae, diagrams, and tables of values ; and the practical section, with its
special references to the ear and voice, and to wind and percussion instruments, and to scalbs, chords, and temperament,—all these sec. -dons of his subject Dr. Stone discusses with equal mastery and clearness.