24 APRIL 1880, page 3

The French Republic Appears Disposed To Imitate The Ex-...

of the American one, and entrust high diplomatic posts to men who have not been regularly trained. The Americans send Mr. Lowell to London, the most important capital with which......

We Were Misled By A Mistake In The Times' Report

of the poll in Mid-Surrey, when we said last Saturday that Mr. Napier Higgins, Q.C., polled even fewer votes than his Liberal col- league, Mr. Stern, who was not a very......

M. Renan Delivered, Yesterday Week, A Special...

the Hibbert course,—on Marcus Aurelius, of the general teaching of which we have said enough elsewhere. But we may add here, that M. Renan indicated in it once more his own......

M. De Freycinet Has Issued A Very Lengthy Circular To

the representatives of the Republic abroad, explaining the action of France in Roumania, its proposed action in regard to the revi- sion of the frontier between Greece and......

The Split Among The Home-rulers Is Becoming More Decided....

Meldon, acting for Mr. Shaw, the Parliamentary leader of the party, called a conference in Dublin for the 27th inst., but Mr. Parnell declined to attend. He did not believe that......

M. Tricoupis, The Greek Premier, Has Addressed A Circular To

the Powers, informing them of the excessive increase of bri- gandage in Thessaly, consequent on the delay which—owing, as we believe, to British secret opposition—has been......

Consols Were On Friday 981 To 981.


The Indian Government Has Introduced A Bill, Called...

Jhansi Relief Bill, which excites much discussion, and in- volves a very important experiment. The landlords of that district, annexed, we believe, just after the Mutiny, have......