The Daughter of Alouette. By Mary Alicia Owen. (Methuen and
(.o.)—The daughter of Alouette is a half-bred girl, daughter of a French trapper and an Indian woman. This is a clever study of her character, as she grows up under the care of the Rev. Elias Zone and his wife. Tamminika—that is the young lady's name —is a very interesting person, whether the matters in which she is concerned are grave or gay. Her conversation with Sandy, when she describes the " finishing " that she had received at school, is very good. And when we come to more serious things, the quality of the story remains as good. The Indian fury of the girl when her lover turns to another, the negress witch who calls herself Queen Ahola, and Father Zone him- self when he rebukes his people with a faithfulness which would bring him into the law-courts here, are striking figures. Alto- gether, this is a quite remarkable story.