The Court Adjourns. By W. F. Alexander. (digby, Long, And
Co.)—There is much cleverness, we might almost say brilliancy, in the writing of this tale. And there is a certain power in the drawing of one at least of the characters, Dr.......
The City Of Gold. By Edward Markwick. (tower Publishing...
Markwick apologises for his style by telling us that as he has been occupied in journalism all his life, he could not be expected to acquire a style, and urges that as he has......
Stories From The Diary Of A Doctor. By L. T.
Meade and Clifford Halifax, M.D. (Bliss, Sands, and Foster.)—Dr. Clifford Halifax is evidently a very clever man. He cures, for instance, a case of congenital blindness which......
Uncommonly Well. There Is Tom, An Agreeable Rattle, A Much
more pleasant personage than the intense young man who so often displaces him in modern fiction ; the somewhat cynical Mr. Wilson ; and a number of other entertaining people,......
The Tower Of Ghilsan. By Surgeon-major M. H. Greenhow. (r.
Bentley and Son.)—This is a spirited story of the disastrous Afghan War that culminated in the destruction of a British army in the Khyber Pass. Mr. Arthur Stanhope has the......
Studia Binaitica And Apocrypha Sinaitica. Edited And...
English by Margaret Dunlop Gibson. (C. J. Clay and Sons.) —The apocryphal tracts here given are seven,—(l) The Anaphora and Paradosis Pilati, i.e., his report to Tiberius and......
The Robe Of Lucifer. By Frederick White. (a. D. Innes
and Co.)—The plot of this book may be described as a sort of travesty on the first chapter of the Book of Job. A certain Arthur Greenstreet, who is a pessimist, falls into......
Denounced. By J. Bloundelle-burton. (methuen And Co.)—...
tale of the days that followed the '45, is scarcely as good work as we should think the author could have produced. When the author speaks of his own person he uses clumsy......
Clara Hopgood. By Mark Rutherford. Edited By His Friend,...
Shapcott. (T. Fisher Unwin.)—We must own that we have not been able to take in the bearing of this story. The characters in it do not act in the way that we should have expected......
The Alternative. By Reginald E. Salwey. 2 Vols. (hurst And
Blackett.)—This tale may be described as a mixture of the novel and the romance. The plot is distinctly romantic; the two marriages and the unexpected appearance of the true......
The Dis - Honourable. By J. D. Hennessey. (sampson Low,...
Co.)—This is an Australian story, the scene being laid in Queensland, and the most striking feature the description of a flood in Brisbane, a description which has every......
Revenge ! By Robert Barr. (chatto And Windus.)—this Is A
collection of twenty short stories, mostly designed, one might say, to show that revenge is not, as some would maintain, an extinct passion. It has, on the contrary, a very......