Lucinda's Letters" are distinctly pleasing.—We have also received :—The Vision,
and other Poems. By J. A. Osborne, M.D. (T. Fisher TJnwin.)—In This Our World : Poems and Sonnets. By Charlotte Perkins Stetson. (Same publisher.)—The Poetic Year, and other Poems. By Maud Vyse. (H. R. Allenson.)— Urania, Night, and other Astronomical Poems. By S. Jefferson. (Elliot Stock.)—The Happy Wanderer. By Percy Hemingway. (Elkin Mathews.)—Strav Thoughts in Verse. By Gertrude Forde. (Banks, Cheltenham.) —Jason of the Golden Fleece. By Manners Stephenson. (Simpkin, Marshall, and Co.)—A Shropshire Lad. By A. E. Housman. (Kegan Paul, Trench, and Co.)—A Plea for God and Aspirations for Man. By Zeno. (Same publishers.)—The Romance of Rahere, and other Poems. By Edward Hardingham. (Elliot Stock.)—Heart Echoes. By Allen Purse. (Digby, Long, and Co.)—Poems and Bonnets. By E. Clarke. (Sitnpkin, Marshall, and Co.)—Drifting through Dreamland. By T. E. Ruston. (Elliot Stock.)—The Tokiwa, and other Poems. By Ashley Cox. (Hodder and Stoughton.)