24 AUGUST 1929, Page 17


[To the Editor of the SPECTATOR.] Sta,—In this age of the championship of minorities —and it is a very live question in Hungary, whence I write—may I espouse the cause of the goat ? His defenders appear to be in a minority among your readers.

Why should the goat be singled out for opprobrium ? As a child I remember in the Pyrenees feeling exhilarated at the sight of nimble-footed goats clambering up the mountain sides—optimistically seeking for pasture on apparently bare ledges and finding their reward. At dawn and eventide the sound of goat bells coining down the village street was al- ways a signal to me to rush downstairs for a glass of frothy milk. A glass of goat's milk, although not as tempting as cow's milk, always seemed to bring with it the glamour of the mountains.

Goats are gay, and full of character, and the sight of one nibbling by the roadside always recalls childish days and adds to my enjoyment.—I am, Sir, &c.,