24 AUGUST 1929, page 20

Some Books Of The Week

Adventures with Bernard Shaw, narrated by Dan Rider (Morley and Mitchell Kennerley, 2s. 6d.), will, no doubt, some day form part of the material for the final biography of Mr.......

Australia Has Experimented More Fully Than Any Other...

industrial courts and appears to be by no means satisfied with the results. We welcome, therefore, the comprehensive and scholarly account of them which Mr. George Anderson, a......

The Competition

SINCE the planning of holidays does not seem to be as inspiring as we hoped, we suggest for our next competition a description or an impression of some exciting or entertaining......

Downland Treasure, By Barclay Wills (methuen, Os.), Is A...

of short essays on Downland subjects, mostly more or less connected with the old shepherds, now so rapidly dying out. The descriptive passages often fail to convey that delight......

Mrs. Gretton Has Rewritten And Improved Her Attractive...

and Present (Martin Seeker, 7s. 6d.), which is more than ever a model account of a little country town. She sketches its history, describes its old houses and recalls some of......

Mr. H. K. Trevaskis Describes His Able And Thoughtful Book,

The Land of the Five Rivers (Oxford University Press, 15s.), as an economic history of the Punjab up to 1890. It is, in fact, a good deal more, since it sketches the early......

Dr. R. D. Gillespie's Treatise On Sleep And The Treatment

of its Disorders (Bailliere, Tindall and Cox, 7s. 6d.) is written primarily for the practitioner. It is, however, a book which cannot fail to interest and perhaps help those......

It Is A Commonplace That The General Practitioner Is Not

always equipped to deal properly with certain diseases, and among these are numbered particularly diseases of the nerves, or so-called psychological complaints. In A Challenge......

The Royal Institute Of International Affairs Has Done...

secure from Sir Harold Parlett A Brief Account of Diplo- matic Events in Manchuria (H. Milford, 4s. 6d.), for he sets out authoritatively the facts about the great territory—as......
