"gbe lippectator, Snug 23rb, 1851 Tim fiat has gone forth
for the close of the Industrial Exhibition on the 11th of October. Thus die away; like smoke in the transparent air, any hopes That may have been cherished by speculators, of vulgarising this great national display, 'by con- verting the Crystal Palace into a monster bazaar, or a receptacle for the ingeniously trifling inventions of the herd of patent-hunters. The question of the preservation of Mr. Paxton's building is left untouched by this resolve ; though its decision must depend upon the ability of the admirers of the structure to show how it can be made available for purposes useful and ornamental. But the unprecedented concentration of the powers of human ingenuity and industry will terminate ; the' marvellous display of material wealth will be scattered abroad ; the Industrial Exhibition of 1851 will survive only as a legend and tradition. This is well: it is prudent to rise_ from a feast with an appetite, and not prolong indulgence to satiety and its next neighbour disgust.