Sta,—lt.-colonel Pelly's Interesting Survey Might Be...
thing. You cannot distribute evenly the wealth of a community. As soon as you try to do so it decreases and eventually disappears. On the other hand, you can distribute poverty.......
Sin,—when Lt.-col. Pelly Writes That Individual Freedom...
with social justice, that is tantamount to saying that social justice cannot exist apart from individual slavery. Of course, both statements are absurd, unless it is.......
Sir, It A Bad Look-out Indeekif Colonel Pelly Is Right,
and freedom is a lost cause. But is it ? `Only if people can never be brought to realise, that there can be no social justice without freedom. That this is the case is certain ;......
Letters To The Editor
Conservatism and Liberty SIR,—Colonel H. R. Pelly writes that ".individual freedom has proved to be incompatible with social justice.". That remark is just about a hundred years......
Voices At The Test
SIR,—The final Test Match at the Oval was a test of nerves—at least for those who listened to the commentators in the Light and Television programmes. .I find myself engaged in......
“youth In Berlin"
SIR, —You do well to emphasise the dangerous foil!, of under-estimating the significance and possible consequences of the Communist Youth Rally recently held in East Berlin ;......