SIR, It a bad look-out indeekif Colonel Pelly is right,
and freedom is a lost cause. But is it ? `Only if people can never be brought to realise, that there can be no social justice without freedom. That this is the case is certain ; and that is why freedom is a greater and better 'thing than equality. An equality that is achieved apart from freedom, an enforced equality, if it is possible at all, must always be an equality at the lowest level. I say " if it is posSible at all" because, however uniform and however low the level of the- majority, there still remains the concentration camp for minorities.
No, Sir ; in spite of the abuses of the laissez-faire of the past; most of us are, I hope and think, now getting, partly from a pa'hial experi- ence, some conception of what the total loss of liberty would mean ; and I believe that we shall not wholly sacrifice our freedom for a social justice that, without it, is a chimera.—I am, Sir, yours faithfully,
29 A bercorn Terrace, loppa Edinburgh. L. W. CLARKE.