24 AUGUST 1951, Page 2

What Way for Youth ?

In an endeavour to find answers to some of the questions raised in a leading article in last week's SPECTATOR on the recent Youth 'Rally in Berlin, a short series of contributions on the general subject " What Way for Youth? " has been arranged. The first, from Bean, appears on page 234 of this issue. Writers of subsequent articles 'will include Lord. Aberdare, the wen- known cricketer lad rackets champion, who is Chakman of the National Association of Boys' Clubs ; Col. J. S. Wilson, Director of the Boy Scouts' International Bureau ; Dr. A. E. Morgan, who prepared the notable report on The Needs of Youth for King's George's Jubilee Trust ; and one of the SPECTATOR correspondents in Germany, Herr Ernst Friedbender.