ft . rall talL THE GREAT AMENDMENT.—The Duke of Wellington continues to
Improve.—Morning Chronicle. Lord Anglesey was compelled to return to town from the seat of Sir Richard Levinge, in consequence of an unusually severe attack of his afflicting complaint, to which he has been subjected, with little inter- mission, for the last two months.—Dablin Evening Mail.
The Princess Lowicz, consort of the late Grand Duke Constantine, died on the 29th of November, at St. Petersburg. The Bishop of Winchester was so much recovered from his severe indisposition, as to be able to officiate last week at the collation of the Archdeacon of Winchester ( Reverend C. J. Hoare) to the stall in Winchester Cathedral which had become vacant by the death of the Rev. R. Cockburn.
The Reverend Mr. Tiptaft, Vicar of Sutton Courtney, has resigned his living, and published a letter to the Bishop of Salisbury, containing his reasons for doing so. He gives fourteen, partly religious, partly political. If the Bishop be not satisfied, he is a very unpersuadeable gentleman.
The students of the London Gazette, especially that sombre portion of it which relates to Bankruptcy, will be much surprised at the number of dividends advertised of late, if not acquainted that it is produced in an- ticipation of the operation of Lord Brougham's Bill, and the necessity that would accrue of a transfer of assets to another custody. The fact speaks -volumes as to the badness of the past, whatever may be left un- decided as to the improvement of the future.— Globe. A meeting of the creditors of Prior, late partner in Meux and Com- pany's Brewery, who was outlawed for not appearing to the Commis- sion of Bankruptcy issued against him, was held also on Friday. The total debts proved amounted to 39,999/. Ss. Gd. whilst the assets were only 3,609/. 7s. 11d.,—producing a dividend of eighteen pence in the pound ! Prior is now in custody at Havre-de-Grace, having been ar- rested by a French house who held one of his dishonoured. promis- .so7 notes. GREAT AND SMALL THEATRES.—The proprietors of the two big theatres have sent a circular notice to the proprietors of the little thea- tres, cautioning them against acting, or causing others "to act, repre- :sent, or perform for hire, gain, or reward, any interlude, tragedy, comedy, opera, farce, play, or other entertainments of the stage, contrary to the provisions of the said act of Parliament of the 10th Geo. IL cap. 28," sis they would avoid the vengeance of. the said big theatre proprietors.
The little theatres are quite in a quandary at the threats of their man- mountain neighbours. The actors meet to-day, to consult on what is best to be done. The Adelphi and Olympic are snug, under the Cham- berlain's warrant. 'We hope he will extend a helping hand to the whole of them. .To say nothing of the public, the performers and other persons connected with the Minors are too numerous not to deserve sonic share of attention. We must not allow six or seven hundred people to be
sent to the street, or the workhouse, because certain foolish people have. built houses which no attraction can permanently fill. Let the rents of Covent Garden and Drug Lane be reduced 50 per cent., and there will be no occasion for ruining the little theatres.
It is reported that Mr. Arnold has abandoned all thoughts of build- ing a new theatre, in consequence of Lord Exeter having claimed.- 1,0001. for two years' ground-rent, due since the destruction of Mr. Ar- nold's property. Captain Warden, of the American service, has published an account of a group of six newly-discovered islands he fell in with in 1830, on his return from New Zealand to Manilla. He has given them the name of Westerfield. He says "the inhabitants are black, of good sta- ture, and robust, and their manners apparently pacific." He adds that they have no "arms," but does not mention whether they have any "legs." As a proof of their " pacific " disposition, they murdered six- teen out of twenty-one of a boat's crew that ventured ashore among them. There is a strong Malthusian spirit among these islanders—.
they kill all the children except those of the chiefs. How the subjects are bred, is not explained. They kill their wives on the slightest sus- picions. For men without arms, we should suppose this was not so easy done as said—perhaps they Bishop them.
The following is a curious instance of the want of physical irrita- bility, which so frequently accompanies madness and idiotcy. Last week, a boy of weak intellect, who occasionally is at Mr. Joshua Sheard's mill, at Chickenley, near Dewsbury, got into the mill during the dinner hour, and contrived to set a machine in motion, which in a short time laid hold of him, and. took off his hand. He went out of
the mill, and found the fire-keeper, and said to him, " Natty, I have log my hand, and I cannot find it." The man was so much alarmed, that, instead of attending to the boy, he ran into the mill, and the boy be- coming exhausted with the loss of blood, fell on the cinder heap. He was found there by the workmen, who were returning to their work; and one of them took off his garter, and tied it tight round the boy's arm to stop the bleeding. The boy is now doing well.
'Workmen have been employed in preparation for the monument to be erected at Glasgow to the memory of James Watt. The site chosen is the south-west corner of George's Square, looking towards Queen Street and St. Vincent Place.—Glasgow Courier.
A dentist in the Borough Road exposes in his window a set of finely- polished teeth, with this label attached to them—" The teeth of Carlo Ferrier, the murdered Italian boy." SUNDAY SITTINGS.—The House of Commons sat on Sunday the 8th August 1641; when, however,. an apology for the extraordinary pro-.
ceeding was thought necessary, and entered on the Journals accordingly. Both Houses sat on Sunday 11th May 1679, on the occasion of the bill for excluding the Duke of York (James) from the succession. In terms of the Act 7th and 8th William the Third, they met, pro forma, on Sunday 8th March 1701; and again on the 1st August 1714, which was also a Sunday. On the demise of George the Second, there was a pro forma meeting, on Sunday the 26th October 1760. The House • also met on Sunday at the death of George the Third. Since the fa- mous meeting of 11th Max 1679, no House of Commons sat on Sun- day for the despatch of business. The entry in the Votes of Saturday last runs in the following form- Sabbati, 170 die Decembris, 1831.
Debate on amendment proposed to be made to the motion (16th December). "That the bill be now read a second time," and which amendment was to leave out the word. "now," and at the end of the question to add the words "upon this day six months," resumed: Die Dominica, IS* Decembris, 1331.
Question put, "That the word 'non ' stand part of the question." The House divided; Ayes 324, Noes 162. Main question put, awl agreed to. Bill read a second time, and committed for Friday 20th January.
Tony LOYALTY.—Among the devices of the Anti-Reformers throughout the country, we find them calling their addresses "loyal." For the satisfaction of these gentlemen, and that they may know ex- actly how much claim they have to the title they arrogate, we give Johnson's (a Tory in all respects and with them, of course, an unques- tionable authority) definition of the word "loyal :"—it is, "Obedient, true to the Prince."—Globe.
{When the Roundheads first raised the standard against Charles the First, they marched in the King's name; they even professed to reverence his person. Cromwell, indeed, said he would as soon shoot Charles Stuart as another man ; but Cromwell was a plain, blunt fellow. The modern Roundheads are as unequal to him in honesty as they are in courage; hence their professions of loyalty.}