Application Has Been Made On Behalf Of William Hill, Porter
of the Dissecting-room at King's College, to Lord Melbourne, for the reward offered on conviction of the murderers Bishop . and Williams. [It ought to be given to somebody ; but......
The Police Offices.
A very young gentleman, who called himself Sir Jonathan Crompton, and who wore the uniform of a Naval Captain, complained at Marl- borough Street, on Monday, of being assaulted......
Two Libel Cases, Arising Out Of One Small Subject, Were
tried yesterday in the Court of Common Pleas. On the 7th June last, a person named Deacon gave Captain Thomas Garth a box in the ear, and a sound horsewhipping, for writing, as......
Trial Of Tiie Earl Of Mar, For Shooting At A
CLERGYMAN. IT may be remembered, that this trial was to have come on at Perth some time ago, and that, in consequence of the word "felonious" being in the indictment, and its......
Political Movements In Scotland.
THE following account of the great meeting of the county of Perth, to which we alluded in our last Number, is given by a correspondent of the Neu , North Briton.—" The meeting......